A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Abstract-With the popularity of cloud computing, mobile devices can store/retrieve personal data from anywhere at any time. Consequently, the data security problem in mobile cloud becomes more and more severe and prevents further development of mobile cloud. There are sustantial studies that have been conducted…
A Lightweight Secure Scheme for Detecting Provenance Forgery and Packet Drop Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract-Large-scale sensor networks are deployed in numerous application domains, and the data they collect are used in decision-making for critical infrastructures. Data are streamed from multiple sources through intermediate processing nodes that aggregate information. A malicious adversary may introduce…
A Load Balancing and Multi-tenancy Oriented Data Center Virtualization Framework Abstract– Virtualization is an essential step before a baremetal data center being ready for commercial usage, because it bridges the foreground interface for cloud tenants and the background resource management on underlying infrastructures. A concept at the heart of the foreground is multi-tenancy, which deals…
A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning Abstract? A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning. Load balancing in the cloud computing environment has an important impact on the performance. Good load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and improves user satisfaction. This article introduces a better load balance model for the public cloud…
A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning for the public cloud Abstract?A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning for the public cloud.Load balancing in the cloud computing environment has an important impact on the performance. Good load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and improves user satisfaction. < Final Year Projects > This…
A Location-Wise Predetermined Deployment for Optimizing Lifetime in Visual Sensor Networks Abstract?Visual sensor networks are receiving significant attention due to their potential applications ranging from surveillance to tracking domains. Nevertheless, due to the funneling effect, the unbalanced energy usage among visual sensor nodes (SNs) increases and leads to premature decrease in network lifetime. First, considering…
A Look-Ahead Clock Gating Based on Auto-Gated Flip-Flops Abstract?Clock gating is very useful for reducing the power consumed by digital systems. Three gating methods are known. The most popular is synthesis-based, deriving clock enabling signals based on the logic of the underlying system. It unfortunately leaves the majority of the clock pulses driving the flip-flops…
A Low Area Overhead NBTI/PBTI Sensor for SRAM Memories Abstract-Bias temperature instability (BTI) is known as one serious reliability concern in nanoscale technologies. BTI gradually increases the absolute value of threshold voltage (Vth) of MOS transistors. The main consequence of Vth shift of the SRAM cell transistors is the static noise margin (SNM) degradation. The…
A Low Cost Speed Estimation Technique for Closed Loop Control of BLDC Motor Drive Abstract-At the first place, proposes a sensorless speed control technique for Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) drives by estimating speed from the hall sensor signals. Conventionally, the speed is measured using precision speed encoders. Since these encoders cost almost half of the…
A Low Power Class-AB Audio Power Amplifier With Dynamic Transconductance Compensation in 55 nm CMOS Process Abstract?a Class-AB audio power amplifier with state-of-the-art power efficiency and performance. In this work, the second stage transconductance of the three-stage power amplifier < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation…
< Final Year Project > A Low-Complexity Congestion Control and Scheduling Algorithm for Multihop Wireless Networks With Order-Optimal Per-Flow Delay Abstract? Quantifying the end-to-end delay performance in multihop wireless networks is a well-known challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a new joint congestion control and scheduling algorithm for multihop wireless networks with fixed-route flows…
A Low-Complexity Turbo Decoder Architecture forEnergy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract-A Low-Complexity Turbo Decoder Architecture forEnergy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. Turbo codes have recently been considered for energy-constrained wireless communication applications, since they facilitate a low transmission energy consumption. However, in order to reduce the overall energy consumption, lookup table-log-BCJR (LUT-Log-BCJR) architectures having a low processing energy…