A Hybrid Image Compression Scheme using DCT and Fractal Image Compression Abstract?A Hybrid Image Compression Scheme using DCT and Fractal Image Compression. We introduce a new way to use fractal coding for image compression, based on the parallel use of a fractal encoder and a DCT encoder. The two encoders are given the complementary roles…
A Hybrid Intelligent System for Risk Assessment based on Unstructured Data Abstract– This paper presents a hybrid intelligent system (HIS) for risk assessment based on unstructured information. The generalised structure of a hybrid intelligent system ( H IS ) and its implementation in various information systems are described using a number of case studies. The…
A hybrid particle swarm optimization for feature subset selection byintegrating a novel local search strategy Abstract?tFeature selection has been widely used in data mining and machine learning tasks to make a modelwith a small number of features which improves the classifier?s accuracy. In this paper, a novel hybridfeature selection algorithm based on particle swarm optimization…
A Hybrid Wavelet Transform and Neural- Network-Based Approach for Modelling Dynamic Voltage-Current Characteristics of Electric Arc Furnace Abstract? A Hybrid Wavelet Transform and Neural- Network-Based Approach for Modelling Dynamic Voltage-Current Characteristics of Electric Arc Furnace. This paper proposes a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) based method for modeling the…
A Hyper-Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Abstract?A Hyper-Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud. Rule-based scheduling algorithms have been widely used on many cloud computing systems because they are simple and easy to implement. However, there is plenty of room to improve the performance of these algorithms, especially by using heuristic scheduling. As such, this paper presents…
A Joint Optimization of Operational Cost and Performance Interference in Cloud Data Centers Abstract– Virtual machine (VM) scheduling is an important technique to efficiently operate the computing resources in a data center. Previous work has mainly focused on consolidating VMs to improve resource utilization and thus to optimize energy consumption. However, the interference between collocated…
A Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Sentence Level Sentiment Classification Abstract? A joint segmentation and classi?cation framework for sentence-level sentiment classi?cation. It is widely recognized that phrasal information is crucial< Final Year Projects 2016 > critical for sentiment classi?cation. However, existing sentiment classi?cation algorithms typically split a sentence as a word sequence, which does…
A Kernel Clustering Algorithm With Fuzzy Factor: Application to SAR Image Segmentation Abstract?A Kernel Clustering Algorithm With Fuzzy Factor: Application to SAR Image Segmentation. The presence of multiplicative noise in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images makes segmentation and classification difficult to handle. Although a fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm and its variants (e.g., the FCM_S, the…
A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud Storage Abstract-Temporary keyword search on con?dential data in a cloud environment is the main focus of this research. The cloud providers are not fully trusted. So, it is necessary to outsource data in the encrypted form. In the attribute-based keyword search (ABKS) schemes, the authorized…
A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Network-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Abstract?A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Network-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Energy saving is an important issue in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). Recent studies show that network coding can help reduce the energy consumption in MANETs by using less transmissions. However, apart from transmission cost,…
A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Network-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Abstract? A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Network-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.Energy saving is an important issue in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). Recent studies show that network coding can help reduce the energy consumption in MANETs by using less transmissions. However, apart from transmission cost,…
A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Abstract? The popularity of cloud computing, mobile devices can store/retrieve personal data from anywhere at any time. Consequently, the data security problem in mobile cloud becomes more and more severe and prevents further development of mobile cloud. There are substantial studies that have been conducted…