Product Description
Municipal Corporation Complaint Management System
Abstract— Municipal Corporation Complaint Management System The common people under the jurisdiction of a municipal corporation to register their grievances about day to day problems in their ward through a web application. It will provide a common man to deliver his complaints and problems to municipal authority as well as let the municipal authorities to address the problem in a short period of time. An interface to register one’s complained and follow it up. It provides a complaint module which helps clicking up a picture of any problem that people are facing and upload its image along with the complaint. In India we don’t have any direct communication between the government and public in an efficient way for solving the problems. I.e. for getting a problem solved in our place we have to bribe the officials and get them solved in 2 months which can be solved actually in 1 month of time. In order to make the goal of < Final Year Projects 2016 > come true we are going to develop a system which will be able to provide the complete information to the public at any point of time regarding the problems. They are facing currently and what is the impact of it and then how effectively the funds are utilized for the development purpose can be known by public which also includes the online discussion forums and feedback forms which will help them to communicate well with the government.
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