Product Description
Low-Power Programmable PRPG With Test Compression Capabilities
Abstract— Low-Power Programmable PRPG With Test Compression Capabilities. A low-power (LP) programmable generator capable of producing pseudorandom test patterns with desired toggling levels and enhanced fault coverage gradient compared with the best-to-date built-in self-test BIST < Final Year Project 2016 > based pseudorandom test pattern generators. It is comprised of a linear finite state machine (a linear feedback shift register or a ring generator) driving an appropriate phase shifter, and it comes with a number of features allowing this device to produce binary sequences with preselected toggling (PRESTO) activity. We introduce a method to automatically select several controls of the generator offering easy and precise tuning. The same technique is subsequently employed to deterministically guide the generator toward test sequences with improved fault-coverage-to pattern-count ratios.
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