A Completed Modeling of Local Binary Pattern Operator for Texture Classification Abstract? A completed modeling of the LBP operator is proposed and an associated completed LBP (CLBP) scheme is developed for texture classification. A local region is represented by its center pixel and a local difference sign-magnitude transform < Final Year Projects 2016 > LDSMT….
A Completed Modeling of Local Binary Pattern Operator for Texture Classification Abstract? A completed modeling of the LBP operator is proposed and an associated completed LBP (CLBP) scheme is developed for texture classification. A local region is represented by its center pixel and a local difference sign-magnitude transform (LDSMT). The center pixels represent the image…
A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization Abstract? A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization. Development of authorization mechanisms for secure information access by a large community of users in an open environment is an important problem in the ever-growing Internet world. In this paper we propose a computational dynamic trust model for…
A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization Abstract? A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization. Development of authorization mechanisms for secure information access by a large community of users in an open environment is an important problem in the ever-growing Internet world. In this paper we propose a computational dynamic trust model for…
A Computationally Efficient Reconfigurable FIR Filter Architecture Based on Coefficient Occurrence Probability Abstract?Reconfigurable digital filter is being widely used in applications such as communication and signal processing. Its performance, power consumption, and logic resource utilization are the major factors to be taken into consideration when designing the filters. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″…
A Configurable Parallel Hardware Architecture for Efficient Integral Histogram Image Computing Abstract? Integral histogram image can accelerate the computing process of feature algorithm in computer vision, but exhibits high computation complexity and inefficient memory access. In this paper, we propose a configurable parallel architecture to improve the computing efficiency of integral histogram. Based on the…
A Context-Aware Architecture Supporting Service Availability in Mobile Cloud Computing Abstract? Mobile systems are gaining more and more importance, and new promising paradigms like Mobile Cloud Computing are emerging. Mobile Cloud Computing provides an infrastructure where data storage and processing could happen outside the mobile node. Specifically, there is a major interest in the use…
Coverage Performance of Joint Transmission for Moving Relay Enabled Cellular Networks in Dense Urban Scenarios Abstract– Cloud computing has promoted the success of big data applications such as medical data analyses. With the abundant resources provisioned by cloud platforms, the QoS (quality of service) of services that process big data could be boosted significantly. However,…
A Contrast Adjustment Thresholding Method for Surface Defect Detection Based on Mesoscopy Abstract? Titanium-coated surfaces are prone to tiny defects such as very small cracks, which are not easily observable by the naked eye or optical microscopy. In this study, two new thresholding methods, namely contrast-adjusted Otsu?s method and contrast-adjusted median-based Otsu?s method, are proposed…
A Coordinated Control Approach for DC link and Rotor Crowbars to Improve Fault Ride-Through of DFIG based Wind Turbine Abstract– Nowadays, most double fed induction generators (DFIGs) based wind turbines are equipped with rotor crowbar connected in parallel with the rotor side converter (RSC). The parallel rotor side crowbar (PRSC) is used to protect the…
A Cost-Based Distributed Algorithm for Load Balancing in Content Delivery Network Abstract-Load balancing plays an important role in improving scalability and stability in Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to meet the increasing demand on bandwidth. This paper proposed a modified algorithm that takes into account the equilibrium between load balancing and redirection proximity. We extended a…
A Cost-Effective Deadline-Constrained Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows in a Cloud Environment Abstract? Computing, a distributed computing paradigm, enables delivery of IT resources over the Internet and follows the pay-as-you-go billing model. Workflow scheduling is one of the most challenging problems in Cloud computing. Although, workflow scheduling on distributed systems like Grids and Clusters…