Village Website Abstract-Village Website provides brief information and overall description about particular village. It also provides the information of the village location, events and people. Community details contain people, place and census details. Events details contain particular village functions and important schedules of village . News/Blog details contain important updates and articles of village .Contact…
Virtual Lab Abstract? Virtual Lab. This document covers the usage and development of a Linux based virtual machine with specific tools to help out students in the learning process of digital designs and microprocessors. It describes the advantages of an unified development environment for the teaching process and how it helps students to understand key…
Virtual machine power measuring technique with bounded error in cloud environments Abstract? Virtual machine power measuring technique with bounded error in cloud environments. Several fields of science have traditionally demanded large-scale workflow support, which requires thousands of CPU cores or more. In this paper, we investigate ways to support these scientific workflows in a…
Virtual Multipath Attack and Defense for Location Distinction in Wireless Networkst Abstract?AbstractA charitable trust is an irrevocable trust established for charitable purposes and, in some jurisdictions, a more specific term than “charitable organization”. A charitable trust enjoys a varying degree of tax benefits in most countries. It also generates good will. Some important terminology in…
Virtual Servers Co-Migration for Mobile Accesses: Online vs. Off-line Abstract?Virtual Servers Co-Migration for Mobile Accesses Online vs. Off-line .Firstly we study the problem of co-migrating a set of service replicas residing on one or more redundant virtual servers in clouds in order to satisfy a sequence of mobile batch-request emands in a cost effective way….
Visual Object Tracking Based on Local Steering Kernels and Color Histograms Abstract? we propose a visual object tracking framework, which employs an appearance-based representation of the target object, based on local steering kernel descriptors and color histogram information. This framework takes as input the region of the target object in the previous video frame and…
Visual voice activity detection as a help for speech source separation from convolutive mixtures Abstract?Visual voice activity detection as a help for speech source separation from convolutive mixtures. Audio-visual speech source separation consists in mixing visual speech processing techniques (e.g. lip parameters tracking) with source separation methods to improve and/or simplify the extraction of a…
Visualizing Rank Time Series of Wikipedia Top-Viewed Pages Abstract– Large rank time series datasets have alwaysposed a challenge for data analysts. In addition to the time-varying property, each itemat every time point can be a complex object that has multivariate properties, relation properties, or both. In this article, we study rank time series to explore…
Automobile Spare Shop(Android App) Abstract-arge rank time series datasets have alwaysposed a challenge for data analysts. In addition to the time-varying property, each itemat every time point can be a complex object that has multivariate properties, relation properties, or both. In this article, we study rank time series to explore their evolving patterns and the…
VLSI Architecture Design of Guided Filter for 30 Frames/s Full-HD Video Abstract?Filtering is widely used in image and video processing for various applications. Recently, < Final Year Projects > the guided filter has been proposed and became one of the popular filtering methods. In this paper, to achieve the computation demand of guided filtering in…
VLSI Architecture for delay efficient 32-bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematic sutras Abstract?Abstract This paper presents the VLSI Architecture for High-Speed 32-bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematic sutras. Two sutras among 16 sutras of Vedic Mathematics can be applied for multiplication. Nikhilam Sutra and Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam Sutra are used to implement Vedic Multipliers. In this paper, VLSI architecture…