Universal Network Coding-Based Opportunistic Routing for Unicast Abstract?Universal Network Coding-Based Opportunistic Routing for Unicast. Network coding-based opportunistic routing has emerged as an elegant way to optimize the capacity of lossy wireless multihop networks by reducing the amount of required feedback messages. Most of the works on network coding-based opportunistic routing in the literature assume that…
Unprivileged Black-Box Detection of User-Space Keyloggers Abstract?Software keyloggers are a fast growing class of invasive software often used to harvest confidential information. One of the main reasons for this rapid growth is the possibility for unprivileged programs running in user space to eavesdrop and record all the keystrokes typed by the users of a system.<...
Unraveling the Effect of Textured Contact Lenses on Iris Recognition Abstract?Unraveling the Effect of Textured Contact Lenses on Iris Recognition. The presence of a contact lens, particularly a textured cosmetic lens, poses a challenge to iris recognition as it obfuscates the natural iris patterns. The main contribution of this paper is to present an in-depth…
Unsupervised Colour Image Segmentation using Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform Abstract?a novel image segmentation technique for noisy colour images, in which the heavy-tailed characteristics of the image are modelled by Cauchy distributions. First, the RGB colour bands of the noisy image are decomposed into multiresolution representations using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform.< Final Year Project >…
Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification Abstract? The use of single layer and deep convolutional networks for remote sensing data analysis. Direct application to multi- and hyper-spectral imagery of supervised (shallow or deep) convolutional networks is very challenging given the high input data dimensionality and the relatively small amount of available labelled…
Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segmentation and Mammo graphic Risk Scoring Abstract?Mammo graphic risk scoring has commonly been automated by extracting a set of handcrafted features from mammograms, and relating the responses directly or indirectly to breast cancer risk. We present a method that learns a feature hierarchy from unlabeled data. < final...
Unsupervised Feature Selection with Controlled Redundancy (UFeSCoR) Abstract? Unsupervised Feature Selection with Controlled Redundancy (UFeSCoR). Features selected by a supervised / unsupervised technique often include redundant or correlated features. While use of correlated features may result in an increase in the design and decision making cost, removing redundancy completely can make the system vulnerable to…
Unsupervised Multi-Spectral Satellite Image Segmentation Combining Modi fied Mean-Shift and a New Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Technique Abstract?Unsupervised Multi-Spectral Satellite Image Segmentation Combining Modi fied Mean-Shift and a New Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Technique. An unsupervised object based segmentation, < Final Year Projects > combining a modified mean-shift (MS) and a novel minimum…
Unsupervised SAR Image Change Detection Based on SIFT Key points and Region Information Abstract?This letter presents a new unsupervised distribution-free change detection method for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based on scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) keypoints and region information. Since the SIFT can detect blob-like structures in an image and be insensitive to noise, we…
Unsupervised segmentation? classification? cervical cell image Abstract?Unsupervised segmentation and classification of cervical cell image. The Pap smear test is a manual screening procedure that is used to detect precancerous changes in cervical cells based on color and shape properties of their nuclei and cytoplasms. Automating < Final Year Projects > this procedure is still an…
Unsupervised traffic classification using flow statistical properties and IP packet payload. The researchers have started looking for Internet traffic recognition techniques that are independent of `well known’ TCP or UDP port numbers or interpreting the contents of packet payloads. Newer approaches classify traffic by recognizing statistical patterns in externally observable attributes of the traffic (such…
Unsupervised Visual Hashing with Semantic Assistant for Content-based Image Retrieval Abstract?Abstract As an emerging technology to support scalable content-based image retrieval (CBIR), hashing has been recently received great attention and became a very active research domain. In this study, we propose a novel unsupervised visual hashing approach called semantic-assisted visual hashing (SAVH).Distinguished from semi-supervised and…