Showing 3733–3744 of 3870 results

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    U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases

    0 out of 5

    U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases Abstract? U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases.U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases The skyline query, aiming at identifying a set of skyline tuples that are not dominated by any other tuple, is particularly useful for multicriteria data analysis and decision making. For uncertain…

  • Placeholder

    Ubiquitous Data Accessing Method in IoT-Based Information System for Emergency Medical Services

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    Ubiquitous Data Accessing Method in IoT-Based Information System for Emergency Medical Services Abstract?Ubiquitous Data Accessing Method in IoT-Based Information System for Emergency Medical Services.The rapid development of Internet of things (IoT) technology makes it possible for connecting various smart objects together through the Internet and providing more data interoperability methods for application purpose. Recent research…

  • ubiSOAP A Service Oriented Middleware for Ubiquitous Networking.

    0 out of 5

    ubiSOAP A Service Oriented Middleware for Ubiquitous Networking. Abstract? The computing and networking capacities of today’s wireless portable devices allow for ubiquitous services, which are seamlessly networked. Indeed, wireless handheld devices now embed the necessary resources to act as both service clients and providers.< Final Year Projects > However, the ubiquitous networking of services remains…

  • Ultra-Low Power, Highly Reliable, and Nonvolatile Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Based Full-Adder for Future VLSI Design

    0 out of 5

    Ultra-Low Power, Highly Reliable, and Nonvolatile Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Based Full-Adder for Future VLSI Design Abstract– Very large-scale integrated circuit (VLSI) design, based on today?s CMOS technologies, are facing various challenges. Shrinking transistor dimensions, reduction in threshold voltage, and lowering power supply voltage, cause new concerns such as high leakage current, and increase in radiation sensitivity….

  • Ultralow-Voltage High-Speed Flash ADC Design Strategy Based on FoM-Delay Product

    0 out of 5

    Ultralow-Voltage High-Speed Flash ADC Design Strategy Based on FoM-Delay Product Abstract? The ultralow-voltage (ULV) design strategy for high-speed flash analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). A lower supply voltage decreases the energy consumption at the cost of conversion speed. A new index, the figure-of-merit (FoM)-delay (FD) product, is introduced to provide a balance between the energy efficiency and…

  • Ultrasound Image Denoising using a Combination of Bilateral Filtering and Stationary Wavelet

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    Ultrasound Image Denoising using a Combination of Bilateral Filtering and Stationary Wavelet Transform Abstract?Abstract Medical image degradation has a significant impact on image quality, and thus affects human interpretation and the accuracy of computer-assisted diagnostic techniques.Unfortunately, Ultrasound images are mainly degraded by an intrinsic noise called speckle. Therefore, despekle filtering is a critical preprocessing step…

  • Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer Networks

    0 out of 5

    Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer Networks Abstract-In general, Uncertain data clustering has been recognized as an essential task in the research of data mining. Many centralized clustering algorithms are extended by defining new distance or similarity measurements to tackle this issue. With the fast development of network applications, these centralized methods show their limitations…

  • Underwater Image Restoration based on Image Blurriness and Light Absorption

    0 out of 5

    Underwater Image Restoration based on Image Blurriness and Light Absorption Abstract?Abstract Underwater images often suffer from color distortion and low contrast because light is scattered and absorbed when traveling through water. Such images with different color tones can be shot in various lighting conditions, making restoration and enhancement difficult. We propose a depth estimation method…

  • Unified Opportunistic Scheduling for Layered Multicast over Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Unified Opportunistic Scheduling for Layered Multicast over Cognitive Radio Networks Abstract?We investigate the multicast of layered multimedia content in single hop cognitive radio (CR) networks and ways of improving the subscriber utility. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File…

  • Unified power flow controller based reactive power dispatch using oppositional krill herd algorithm

    0 out of 5

    Unified power flow controller based reactive power dispatch using oppositional krill herd algorithm Abstract?Abstract Medical image degradation has a significant impact on image quality, and thus affects human interpretation and the accuracy of computer-assisted diagnostic techniques.Unfortunately, Ultrasound images are mainly degraded by an intrinsic noise called speckle. Therefore, despekle filtering is a critical preprocessing step…

  • Unified VLSI architecture for photo core transform used in JPEG XR

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    Unified VLSI architecture for photo core transform used in JPEG XR Abstract? In JPEG XR image compression technique the unified photo core transform is used. It is designed to support high dynamic range and high definition formats thus this type of JPEG XR image compression with unified photo core transform is widely used in real…

  • UNION: A Unified Inter/Intrachip Optical Network for Chip Multiprocessors

    0 out of 5

    UNION: A Unified Inter/Intrachip Optical Network for Chip Multiprocessors Abstract?As modern computing systems become increasingly complex, communication efficiency among and inside chips has become as important as the computation speeds of individual processing cores. Traditionally, to maximize design flexibility, interchip and intrachip communication architectures are separately designed under different constraints. Jointly designing communication architectures for…

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