Toward Practical Privacy-Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining on Encrypted Cloud Data Abstract– Frequent itemset mining, which is the essential operation in association rule mining, is one of the most widely used data mining techniques on massive datasets nowadays. With the dramatic increase on the scale of datasets collected and stored with cloud services in recent years,…
Toward Privacy Preserving in IoT E-health Systems: A Key Escrow Identity-based Encryption Scheme Abstract-E-health represents one of the most promising Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Indeed, it enhances the traditional medical services by monitoring periodically patient?s health information. Due to the sensitivity of exchanged medical data, strong and efficient security and privacy protocols must be…
Toward SWSs Discovery: Mapping fromWSDL to OWL-S Based on OntologySearch and Standardization Engine Abstract? Semantic Web Services (SWSs) represent the most recent and revolutionary technology developed for machine-to-machine interaction on the web 3.0. As for the conventional web services, the problem of discovering and selecting the most suitable web service represents a challenge for SWSs…
Toward Transcoding as a Service in a Multimedia Cloud Abstract?Toward Transcoding as a Service in a Multimedia Cloud. In this paper, we investigate the energy-efficient job-dispatching algorithm for transcoding as a service (TaaS) in a multimedia cloud. We aim to minimize the energy consumption of service engines in the cloud while achieving low delay for…
Toward Transcoding as a Service in a Multimedia Cloud: Energy-Efficient Job-Dispatching Algorithm Abstract? Toward Transcoding as a Service in a Multimedia. Cloud: Energy-Efficient Job-Dispatching AlgorithmWe investigate the energy-efficient job-dispatching algorithm for transcoding as a service < Final Year Projects 2016 > TaaS in a multimedia cloud. We aim to minimize the energy consumption of service…
Toward Trustworthy Coordination of Web Services Business Activities.We present a lightweight Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithm, which can be used to render the coordination of web services business activities (WS-BA) more trustworthy. The lightweight design of the BFT algorithm is the result of a comprehensive study of the threats to the WS-BA coordination services and…
Toward Ubiquitous Healthcare Services With a Novel Efficient Cloud Platform Abstract? Ubiquitous healthcare services are becoming more and more popular, especially under the urgent demand of the global aging issue. Cloud computing owns the pervasive and on-demand service-oriented natures, which can fit the characteristics of healthcare services very well. However, the abilities in dealing with…
Towards a Trust Management System for Cloud Computing Abstract? Towards a Trust Management System for Cloud Computing. Cloud computing provides cost-efficient opportunities for enterprises by offering a variety of dynamic, < Final Year Projects > scalable, and shared services. Usually, cloud providers provide assurances by specifying technical and functional descriptions in Service Level Agreements (SLAs)…
Towards Achieving Data Security with the Cloud Computing Adoption Framework Abstract? Offering real-time data security for petabytes of data is important for cloud computing. A recent survey on cloud security states that the security of users? data has the highest priority as well as concern. We believe this can only be able to achieve with…
Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service Abstract?Collection and analysis of various logs (e.g., process logs, network logs) are fundamental activities in computer forensics. Ensuring the security of the activity logs is therefore crucial to ensure reliable forensics investigations. However, because of the black-box nature of clouds and the volatility and co-mingling of cloud…
Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service Abstract?Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service. Collection and analysis of various logs < Final Year Projects 2016 > e.g., process logs, network logs are fundamental activities in computer forensics. Ensuring the security of the activity logs is therefore crucial to ensure reliable forensics investigations. However,…