Product Description
A Secured Authentication System for MANETs using voice and Fingerprint Biometrics
Abstract—Mobile Adhoc NETworks (MANET) are collections of wireless mobile devices with restricted broadcast range and resources and communication is achieved by relaying data along appropriate routes that are dynamically discovered and maintained through collaboration between the nodes. MANET is a self configuring, dynamic, multi hop radio network without any fixed infrastructure. The main challenge in the design of such networks is how to provide security for the information which is communicated through the network.< Final Year Project > Biometrics provides possible solutions for this problem in MANET since it has the direct connection with user identity and needs little user interruption.This proposed Multimodal Biometric-based Authentication Combined Security System provides authentication using face biometrics and security using fingerprint biometrics. The proposed system has three advantages compared to previous works. First, for authentication, eigenface of the sender is generated and is attached to the data to be transferred. Second, to enhance security, the data and the eigenface of the sender is encrypted by using the key which is extracted from the fingerprint biometric of the receiver. Third, to reduce a transmission-based attack, the fingerprint based cryptographic key is randomized by applying a genetic operator. Thus, this security system provides authentication, security and revocability for high security applications in mobile environments
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