Product Description
Secure Overlay Routing Using Key Pre-Distribution: A Linear Distance Optimization Approach
Abstract— Key pre-distribution algorithms have recently emerged as efficient alter natives of key management in today’s secure communications landscape. Secure routing techniques using key pre-distribution algorithms require special algorithms capable of finding optimal secure over lay paths. To the best of our knowledge, the literature of key pre-distribution systems is still facing a major void in proposing optimal overlay routing algorithms. In the literature work, traditional routing algorithms are typically used twice to find a NETWORK layer path from the source node to the destination and then to find required cryptographic paths. In this paper, we model the problem of secure routing using weighted directed graphs and propose a Boolean linear programming (LP) problem to find the optimal path. Albeit the fact that the solutions to Boolean LP problems are of much higher complexities, we propose a method for solving our problem in polynomial time. In order to evaluate its performance and security measures, we apply our proposed algorithm to a number of recently proposed symmetric and asymmetric key pre-distribution methods. The results show that our proposed algorithm offers great network performance improvements as well as security enhancements when augmenting baseline techniques. < final year projects >
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