Product Description
Receiver-Based Channel Allocation in Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks
Abstract— Receiver-Based Channel Allocation in Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks. We study the channel allocation problem in cognitive radio wireless mesh networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > CR-WMNs. We aim at finding an allocation strategy that guarantees quality of service(QoS)(linkreliability),maximizes network coverage,and alleviates the need for a common control channel to coordinate the communication process.The allocation of a particular channel to a mesh client (MC) is considered feasible if the MC can establish connectivity with the backbon e network in both the upstream and the downstream directions, and has the signal-to-interfer-ence-plus-noiseratio(SINR)of the uplinkand the down link with its parent mesh router (MR) with ina predetermined threshold. A receiver-based channel allocation (RBA) model that achieves the aforementioned objectives is proposed (channel assignment under this model can be proven to be NP-hard). We then formulate a mixed integer linear program, of the channel allocation problem under the proposed model, and compare its performance to that of two other baseline models, namely, transmitter-based and all-tunable channel allocation strategies. The results prove the superiority of the proposed model. We also developed a heuristic algorithm, which is shown to be an accurate algorithm.
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