Product Description
Personalized QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation and Visualization
Abstract— With the proliferation of web services, effective QoS-based approach to service recommendation is becoming more and more important. Although service recommendation has been studied in the recent literature, the performance of existing ones is not satisfactory, since (1) previous approaches fail to consider the QoS variance according to users’ locations; and (2) previous recommender systems are all black boxes providing limited information on the performance of the service candidates. In this paper, we propose a novel collaborative filtering algorithm designed for large-scale web service recommendation. Different from previous work, our approach employs the characteristic of QoS and achieves considerable improvement on the recommendation accuracy. To help service users better understand the rationale of the recommendation and remove some of the mystery, we use a recommendation visualization technique to show how a recommendation is grouped with other choices.< Final Year Project > Comprehensive experiments are conducted using more than 1.5 million QoS records of real-world web service invocations. The experimental results show the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.
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