Product Description
Hybrid Job-Driven Scheduling for Virtual MapReduce Clusters
Abstract— Power electronics solutions based on multiple converter configurations offer cost-effective solutions by integrating a number of components at input or output power stages. A new multiinput isolated three-level converter for renew-able and sustainable energy systems adopting high dc link voltage. Multiple dc sources are integrated to the three-level dc/dc converter before the isolation stage, resulting in reduced part-count, deter-mining dc link voltage level and allowing flexibility in transformer design. The proposed architecture eliminates two boost switches which are present in the two-stage counterpart. The input inductors are operated in discontinuous conduction mode; thus, power can be shared between input sources through proper selection of input inductors. A low voltage prototype has been designed to serve as a proof of concept. On the other hand, the pro-posed converter provides reduced part-count and lower voltage stress across the upper and lower switches. The input inductors are operated in discontinuous conducting mode (DCM), which allows autonomous power sharing between input sources with proper selection of input inductors.< final year projects >
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