Product Description
Network-Based Modeling and Intelligent Data Mining of Social Media for Improving Care
Abstract—Network-Based Modeling and Intelligent Data Mining of Social Media for Improving Care. Intelligently extracting knowledge from social media has recently attracted great interest from the Biomedical and Health Informatics community to simultaneously improve health-care outcomes and reduce costs using consumer-generated opinion. We propose a two-step analysis framework that focuses on positive and negative sentiment, as well as theside effects of treatment, in users’ forum posts, and identifies user communities < Final Year Projects 2016 > modules and influential users for the purpose of ascertaining user opinion of cancer treatment. We used a self-organizing map to analyze word frequency data derived from users’ forum posts. We then intro- duced a novel network-based approach for modeling users’ forum interactions and employed a network partitioning method based on optimizing a stability quality measure.
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