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Abstract— Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition. Subspace learning methods are very sensitive to the illumination, translation, < Final Year Projects > and rotation variances in image recognition. Thus, they have not obtained promising performance for palmprint recognition so far. In this paper, we propose a new descriptor of palmprint named histogram of oriented lines (HOL), which is a variant of histogram of oriented gradients (HOG). HOL is not very sensitive to changes of illumination, and has the robustness against small transformations because slight translations and rotations make small histogram value changes. Based on HOL, even some simple subspace learning methods can achieve high recognition rates. Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition. In this paper, we propose a new descriptor of palmprint named histogram of oriented lines (HOL), which is a variant of histogram of oriented gradients (HOG). HOL is not very sensitive to changes of illumination, and has the robustness against small transformations because slight translations and rotations make small histogram value changes.