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Enabling Secure and Efficient Video Delivery through Encrypted In-network Caching
Abstract— Switching off base stations (BSs) is an effective and efficient energy-saving solution for green cellular networks. The previous works focus mainly on when to switch off BSs without sacrificing the traffic demands of current active users, and then enlarge the coverage of the stay-on cells to cover as much more users as possible. Based on this objective, both constant power and transmission power of each BS become the major energy consumption sources. However, the transmission powers of enlarged cells, which have not been taken into account in previous research, are not negligible as compared to other energy consumption sources. To tackle this problem, we observe that the transmission power of one specific BS could be reduced via cooperation among two or more BSs, which is typically used to improve the throughput or enhance the spectrum efficiency in wireless systems. The challenges come mainly from how to jointly consider which BSs to switch off and how to cooperate among active-mode BSs. In this paper, we design energy-aware cooperation strategies that ensure that our system is energy-saving while satisfying user demands. To cope with sleep-mode BSs and perform cooperation among active BSs, we formulate this problem as a binary integer programming problem, and prove it is NP-hard. Based on our formulation, we derive a performance lower bound for this problem via Lagrangian Relaxation with search enumeration. < final year projects >
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