Product Description
Globalized blood bank
Abstract—Automated Blood Bank is an associate work that brings voluntary blood donors and those in need of blood on to a common platform.< Final Year Project > The mission is to fulfill every blood request in the country with a promising android application and motivated individuals who are willing to donate blood. The proposed work aims to overcome this communication barrier by providing a direct link between the donor and the recipient by using low cost and low power Raspberry Pi B+ kit. It requires Micro USB of 5V and 2A power supply only. Entire communication takes place via SMS (Short Messaging Service) which is compatible among all mobile types. “Automated Blood Bank” is an project that brings voluntary blood donors and those in need of blood on to a common platform. This project aims at servicing the persons who seek donors who are willing to donate blood and also provide it in the time frame required. Automated Blood Bank tries to assist victims/patients/those in want of blood. It is an endeavor to achieve dead set these people in want of blood and connect them to those willing to donate. The proposed work explores to find blood donors by using GSM based Smart Card CPU – Raspberry Pi B+ Kit. The vision is to be “The hope of every Indian in search of a voluntary blood donor”.
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