Product Description
Generic and Efficient Constructions of Attribute-Based Encryption with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption
Abstract— Generic and Efficient Constructions of Attribute-Based Encryption with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption. Attribute-based encryption < Final Year Projects 2016 > ABE provides a mechanism for complex access control over encrypted data. However in most ABE systems, the cipher text size and the decryption overhead, which grow with the complexity of the access policy, are becoming critical barriers in applications running on resource-limited devices. Outsourcing decryption of ABE cipher texts to a powerful third party is a considerable manner to solve this problem. Since the third party is usually believed to be untrusted, the security requirements of ABE with outsourced decryption should include privacy and verifiability. Namely, any adversary including the third party should learn nothing about the encrypted message, and the correctness of the outsourced decryption is supposed to be verified efficiently.
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