Product Description
Enabling Secure and Efficient Video Delivery through Encrypted In-network Caching
Abstract— In-network content caching has been a natural trend in emerging network architectures to handle the exponential growth of video traffic. However, due to the potentially wide attacking surfaces, caching video content in the increasingly untrusted networked environment inevitably raises new concerns on user privacy exposure and unauthorized video access. Existing encrypted protocols like HTTPs either fall short of fully lever-aging in-network caching or require decrypting the traffic in the middle without guaranteeing the end-to-end security. In this paper, we present a new networked system for efficient encrypted video delivery while preserving the benefits of in-network caching. As video chunks are encrypted before distribution, we first design a compact, efficient, yet encrypted video fingerprint index to empower the network with a fully-controlled capability of locating the cached encrypted chunks for given encrypted requests. We then explain how to deploy the encrypted design in our proposed architecture, and present a secure redundancy elimination protocol to enable fast video delivery via leveraging cached encrypted chunks. We further discuss the full support of cache management, adaptive video de-livery, and video access control. Rigorous analysis and prototype evaluations demonstrate the security, efficiency, and effectiveness of the design. < final year projects >
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