Product Description
Crime Automation & Reporting System
Abstract— Crime Automation & Reporting System. National surveys demonstrate that millions of crimes go Unreported. Several reasons may contribute to this lack of reporting. Also Crime reporting needs to be possible 24/7. Although several other options exist and there are most publicized reporting mechanisms. Internet-based crime reporting systems allow victims and witnesses of crime to report incidents to police 24/7 from any location. The aim of this project is to develop an online crime report and managing < Final Year Projects 2016 > system which is easily accessible to the public. The police department and the administrative department. The system is intended for use in a community to help the residents interact with each other more easily and to encourage the reporting of suspicious behavior or crime. This system registers the complaints from people through online and it will also helpful to police department in catching criminals, in system and person can give any complaint at any time.
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