Product Description
Content Based Color Image Classification using SVM
Abstract— We propose a novel approach for content based color image classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM).< Final Year Projects > Traditional classification approaches deal poorly on content based image classification tasks being one of the reasons of high dimensionality of the feature space. In this paper, color image classification is done on features extracted from histograms of color components. The benefit of using color image histograms are better efficiency, and insensitivity to small changes in camera view-point i.e. translation and rotation. As a case study for validation purpose, experimental trials were done on a database of about 500 images divided into four different classes has been reported and compared on histogram features for RGB, CMYK, Lab, YUV, YCBCR, HSV, HVC and YIQ color spaces. Results based on the proposed approach are found encouraging in terms of color image classification accuracy.
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