Product Description
The Beauty of the Commons: Optimal Load
Sharing by Base Station Hopping in Wireless
Sensor Networks
Abstract— The Beauty of the Commons: Optimal Load Sharing by Base Station Hopping in Wireless Sensor Networks. In wireless sensor networks < WSNs >, the base station (BS) is a critical sensor node whose failure causes severe data losses. Deploying multiple fixed BSs improves the robustness, yet requires all BSs to be installed with large batteries and large energy-harvesting devices due to the high energy consumption of BSs. In this paper, we propose a scheme to coordinate the multiple deployed BSs such that the energy supplies required by individual BSs can be substantially reduced. < Final Year Projects 2016 > In this scheme, only one BS is selected to be active at a time and the other BSs act as regular sensor nodes. We first present the basic architecture of our system, including how we keep the network running with only one active BS and how we manage the handover of the role of the active BS.
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