Product Description
Automatic detection of abnormalities in mammograms
Abstract— In recent years, an increased interest has been seen in the area of medical image processing and, as a consequence, omputer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems. The basic purpose of CAD systems is to assist doctors in the process of diagnosis. CAD systems, however, are quite expensive, especially, in most of the developing countries. Our focus is on developing a low-cost CAD system. Today, most of the CAD systems regarding mammogram classification target automatic detection of calcification and abnormal mass. Calcification normally indicates an early symptom of
breast cancer if it appears as a small size bright spot in a mammogram image. Methods: Based on the observation that calcification appears as small bright spots on a mammogram image, we propose a new scale-specific blob detection technique in which the scale is selected through supervised learning. By computing energy for each pixel at two different scales, a new feature “Ratio Energy” is introduced for efficient blob detection. Due to the imposed simplicity of the feature and post processing, the running time of our algorithm is linear with respect to image size.Results: Two major types of alcification, microcalcification and macrocalcification have been identified and highlighted by drawing a circular boundary outside the area that Contains calcification. Results are quite visible and satisfactory, and the radiologists can easily view results through the final detected boundary< final year projects >
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