VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform Abstract? VLSI Computational Architectures for the Arithmetic Cosine Transform. The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is a widely-used and important signal processing tool employed in a plethora of applications. Typical fast algorithms for nearly-exact computation of DCT require ?oating point arithmetic, are multiplier intensive, and accumulate round-off errors….
VLSI Design for SVM-Based Speaker Verification System Abstract? VLSI Design for SVM-Based Speaker Verification System. The chip implementation of a support vector machine (SVM)-based speaker veri?cation system. The proposed chip comprises a speaker feature extraction SFE module, an SVM module, and a decision module. < Final Year Project 2016 >The SFE module performs autocorrelation analysis,…
VLSI Implementation of a Cost-Efficient Micro Control Unit With an Asymmetric Encryption for Wireless Body Sensor Networks Abstract-This paper presents a very large-scale integration (VLSI) circuit design of a micro control unit (MCU) for wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs) in cost-intention. The proposed MCU design consists of an asynchronous interface, a multisensor controller, a register…
VMThunder: Fast Provisioning of Large-Scale Virtual Machine Clusters Abstract? VMThunder: Fast Provisioning of Large-Scale Virtual Machine Clusters. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) allows users to rent resources from the Cloud to meet their various computing requirements. The pay-as-you-use model, however, poses a nontrivial technical challenge to the IaaS cloud service providers: how to fast provision…
VOD-ADAC: Anonymous Distributed Fine-Grained Access Control Protocol with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption in Public Cloud Abstract– Remote data access control is of crucial importance in public cloud. Based on its own inclinations, the data owner predefines the access policy. When the user satisfies the data owner?s access policy, it has the right to access the data…
Online Eye Testing And Optical Management System Abstract-In the first Place, A ?Online Eye Testing and optical Management System? is aimed to develop to maintain the day-to-day state of admission, checkup and discharge of patients, list of doctors, reports generation, optical process, and etc.In addition,it?s designed to achieve the following Objectives.To computerize all patient reports,…
Voltage Modulated Direct Power Control for a Weak Grid-Connected Voltage Source Inverters Abstract-In this paper, we design a voltage modulated direct power control (VM-DPC) for a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) connected to a weak grid, where the PLL system may make the system unstable if the conventional vector current control (VCC) method is applied….
Voltage Profile Improvement Using Static Var Compensators (SVC) And Thyristor Controlled Voltage Regulator (TCVR) Abstract?Abstract The voltage level of the system changes when there is change in load and the drop in the load voltage leads to an increased demand for the reactive power that, if not met by the power system leads to a…
Voltage sag mitigation using multilevel inverter based distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) in low voltage distribution system Abstract?Voltage sag mitigation using multilevel inverter based distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) in low voltage distribution system. Among the different disturbances affecting the power quality, the voltage sag are considered as a most important power quality problem faced by utilities,…
Voltage sag/swell compensation using Z-Source inverter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer Abstract?Abstract This paper presents the modeling and simulation of a dynamic voltage restorer as a voltage sag/swell mitigation device in electrical power distribution networks. The dynamic voltage restorer, with its excellent dynamic capabilities, when installed between the supply and a critical load feeder, can compensate…
VoteTrust: Leveraging Friend Invitation Graph to Defend against Social Network Sybils Abstract? VoteTrust: Leveraging Friend Invitation Graph to Defend against Social Network Sybils Online social networks OSNs suffer from the creation of fake accounts that introduce fake product reviews, malware and spam. Existing defenses focus on using the social graph structure to isolate fakes. However,…
Voting-Based Directional Interpolation Method and Its Application to Still Color Image Demosaicking Abstract?Voting-Based Directional Interpolation Method and Its Application to Still Color Image Demosaicking. In this paper, we present a novel color image demosaicking algorithm using a voting-based edge direction detection method and a directional weighted interpolation method. By introducing the voting strategy, the interpolation…