ROC Analysis of Classifiers in Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Shape Features of Fundus Images Abstract?ROC Analysis of Classifiers in Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Shape Features of Fundus Images. Data < Final Year Projects > Mining Techniques help in discovering useful information from the available data. Classification, one of the data mining…
RODS: Rarity based Outlier Detection in a Sparse Coding Framework Abstract? RODS: Rarity based Outlier Detection in a Sparse Coding Framework. Outlier detection has been an active area of research for few decades. We propose a new definition of outlier useful for high-dimensional data. Given a dictionary of atoms learned using the sparse coding objective,…
Rollback Mechanisms for Cloud Management APIs using AI planning Abstract-Human-induced faults play a large role in systems reliability. In cloud platforms, system administrators may inadvertently make catastrophic mistakes, like deleting a virtual disk with important data. Providing rollback for cloud operations can reduce the severity and impact of such mistakes, by allowing to revert to…
Rotation Invariant Texture Retrieval Considering the Scale Dependence of Gabor Wavelet Abstract? Rotation Invariant Texture Retrieval Considering the Scale Dependence of Gabor Wavelet. Obtaining robust and ef?cient rotation-invariant texture features in content-based image retrieval ?eld is a challenging work. We propose three ef?cient rotation-invariant methods for texture image retrieval using copula model based in the…
Routing in Socially Selfish Delay Tolerant Networks Abstract-Existing routing algorithms for Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) assume that nodes are willing to forward packets for others. In the real world, however, most people are socially selfish; i.e., they are willing to forward packets for nodes with whom they have social ties but not others, and such…
RSk NN: k NN Search on Road Networks by Incorporating Social Influence Abstract?RSk NN: k NN Search on Road Networks by Incorporating Social Influence.Although kNN search on a road network Gr, i.e., finding k nearest objects to a query user q on Gr, has been extensively studied, existing works neglected the fact that the q?s…
Automatic Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition Abstract? Although kNN search on a road network Gr, i.e., finding k nearest objects to a query user q on Gr, has been extensively studied, existing works neglected the fact that the q?s social information can play an important role in this kNN query. Many real-world applications, such…
RSSI-based Localization Algorithms using Spatial Diversity in Wireless Sensor Networks. Abstract? Wireless sensor network localization is an important area that attracted significant research interest. Recently, received signal strength indicator (RSSI)-based range measurement technology is widely used in sensor network for its low-cost. But the radio signal transmission is influenced by the factors of channel attenuation…
Run Time Application Repartitioning in Dynamic Mobile Cloud Environments Abstract?Abstract As mobile computing increasingly interacts with the cloud, a number of approaches, e.g., MAUI and CloneCloud, have been proposed, aiming to offload parts of the mobile application execution to the cloud. To achieve a good performance by using these approaches, they particularly focus on the…
Rural health care system using android Abstract?This project deals with a new reliable health monitoring system designed for affordable low cost wireless patient monitoring system. The patient monitoring and patient care is one of the major fields which lack proper technology in rural India hospital and homes. The main cause of patient death in many…
Rust detection using image processing via Matlab Abstract-This research attempted to create a program that is capable of detecting rust through image processing. Image processing is known for the manipulation of image through quantizing the image itself in matrix form. Through this quantization, it gives opportunity to not only manipulate the image but also detect…
S3K: Scalable Security With Symmetric Keys?DTLS Key Establishment for the Internet of Things Abstract?Abstract DTLS is becoming the de facto standard for communication security in the Internet of Things (IoT). In order to run the DTLS protocol, one needs to establish keys between the communicating devices. The default method of key establishment requires X.509 certificates…