Optimizing energy consumption with task consolidation in clouds Data Hiding in Encrypted H.264/AVC VideoStreams by Codeword Substitution Abstract?Digital video sometimes needs to be stored and processed in an encrypted format to maintain security and privacy. For the purpose of content notation and/or tampering detection, it is necessary to perform data hiding in these encrypted videos….
Data Leakage Detection Abstract?Data Leakage Detection. Perturbation is a very useful technique where the data is modified and made ?less sensitive? before being handed to agents. For example, one can add random noise to certain attributes, or one can replace exact values by ranges. However, in some cases it is important not to alter the…
Data Mining and Analytics in the Process Industry: The Role of Machine Learning Abstract– Data mining and analytics have played an important role in knowledge discovery and decision making/supports in the process industry over the past several decades. As a computational engine to data mining and analytics, machine learning serves as basic tools for information…
Data Mining for Patient Friendly Apnea Detection Abstract-Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common, but severely under-diagnosed sleep disorder that affects the natural breathing cycle during sleep with periods of reduced respiration or no air?ow at all. It is our long-term goal to increase the percentage of diagnosed OSA cases and reduce the time to…
Data Mining for Patient Friendly Apnea Detection Abstract-Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common, but severely under-diagnosed sleep disorder that affects the natural breathing cycle during sleep with periods of reduced respiration or no airflow at all. It is our long-term goal to increase the percentage of diagnosed OSA cases and reduce the time to…
Data Mining for Xml Query-Answering Support Abstract? Extracting information from semistructured documents is a very hard task, and is going to become more and more critical as the amount of digital information available on the Internet grows. Indeed, documents are often so large that the data set returned as answer to a query may be…
Data Mining with Big Data, Big data is a collection of datasets which are so large and complex. Data sets are growing day by day and sharing, transfer, capture, storage, etc. are the main challenges in Big Data. Data mining discovers patterns from a large data set. Data mining with Big data is a complex…
Data Recovery Abstract-The data recovery process is the one of the important process in the computer field. It is more important to recover the files which are deleted without knowledge. In our process the user want to first enroll and login into the system for the secure usage of the system. After that the user…
Fair and Dynamic Data Sharing Framework in Cloud-Assisted Internet of Everything Abstract-Cloud-assisted Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly prevalent in our society, for example in home and office environment; hence, it is also known as Cloud-assisted Internet of Everything (IoE). While in such a setup, data can be easily shared and disseminated (e.g., between a…
Data Sharing in Hospital Automation Abstract? The main purpose of our project is to provide a solution for real time application in central hospital. This Project help them to maintain all their detail in systematic. So there is no need to maintain the data manually and the search for record is been made easily. The…
Data Transfer Scheduling for Maximizing Throughput of Big-Data Computing in Cloud Systems Abstract?Data Transfer Scheduling for Maximizing Throughput of Big-Data Computing in Cloud Systems. Many big-data computing applications have been deployed in cloud platforms. These applications normally demand concurrent data transfers among computing nodes for parallel processing. It is important to find the best transfer…
Data Transmission using Audio Steganography Abstract? Data transmission in public communication system is not secure because of interception and improper manipulation by eavesdropper. So the attractive solution for this problem is Steganography, which is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intend…