Product Description
Abstract—There is clamorous agitation for increase in power generation and power supply all over the country, Nigeria. But increasing power generation or power supply is not the only answer to a stable energy future, < Final Year Projects > especially as this is generally not within the ability or jurisdiction of the consumer. There is an alternative, which is, to reduce demand through improved efficiency of devices and procedures. The end-user is most affected when there is inadequate power. Conservation of energy and reducing energy consumption are necessary steps to energy sustainability. Enough evidence abound; on energy wastage in all sectors of the economy. Technology innovation in the form of new discoveries, advanced technologies, and high tech engineering holds great promises. Consumers should follow the trend of these innovations and adapt to new devices that are able to reduce costs of purchasing energy. The awareness of these new technologies and the cost implication of their application thereof is a necessary step towards energy efficiency. This paper seeks to investigate the economic implication of energy saving bulbs in the Cross River University of Technology, Calabar, with emphasis in the energy consumption within the students’ hostel. An energy survey and energy audit is carried out, energy losses and wastage determined, reduction in energy demand and energy saving without compromise to the comfort of the end-user proposed. The paper also proposes an energy policy and management strategy for enhancing energy efficiency for economic sustainability. An energy audit report is presented and the results discussed, this reveals that 76% of energy is saved by replaced the incandescent bulbs in the students’ hostel with compact florescent bulbs.
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