Product Description
Microstrip sierpinski carpet antenna using transmission line feeding
Abstract—Abstract Low cost of fabrication and low profile features of microstrip antennas, attract many researchers to investigate the performance of this antenna in various ways. Today, fractal antenna become popular among the researcher because they have a peculiar properties that make them suitable for multiband applications. Microstrip Sierpinski carpet antenna using transmission line feed is proposed for a multiband operation. Bandwidth up to 47% is being obtained at frequency 7.93 GHz. Thee cross polar isolation is between 10 to 15 dB.Fractal technology allowed us to design miniature antennas and integrate multiple band into a single device. Fractals are objects, which display self-similarity on all scales [1]. Two basic characteristics of a fractal are self-similarity and the fractal dimension. An object is said to be self-similar if it look roughly the same on any scale. The estimated length, L, of an object equals the length of the ruler, r, multiplied by a number, N, of such rules needed to cover the measured object.
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