Product Description
Manifold Embedding and Semantic
Segmentation for Intraoperative
Guidance With Hyperspectral
Brain Imaging
Abstract– Recent advances in hyperspectral imaging have made it a promising solution for intra operative tissue characterization, with the advantages of being non-contact, non-ionizing, and non-invasive. Working with hyperspectral images in vivo, however, is not straightforward as the high dimensionality of the data makes real time processing challenging.A novel dimensionality reduction scheme and a new processing pipeline are introduced to obtain a detailed tumor classification map for intraoperative margin definition during brain surgery. However, existing approaches to dimensionality reduction based on manifold embedding can be time consuming and may not guarantee a consistent result, thus hindering final tissue classification. The proposed framework aims to overcome these problems through a process divided into two steps: dimensionality reduction based on an extension of the T-distributed stochastic neighbor approach is first performed and then a semantic segmentation technique is
applied to the embedded results by using a Semantic Texton Forest for tissue classification. Detailed in vivo validation of the proposed method has been performed to demonstrate the potential clinical value of the system.
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