Product Description
Inverted Linear Quadtree: Efficient Top K
SpatialKeyword Search
Abstract— Inverted Linear Quadtree: Efficient Top K Spatial Keyword Search. With advances in geo-positioning technologies and geo-location services, there are a rapidly growing amount of spatiotextual objects collected in many applications such as location based services and social networks, in which an object is described by its spatial location and a set of keywords < Final Year Projects 2016 > terms. Consequently, the study of spatial keyword search which explores both location and textual description of the objects has attracted great attention from the commercial organizations and research communities. In the paper, we study two fundamental problems in the spatial keyword queries: top k spatial keyword search (TOPK-SK), and batch top k spatial keyword search (BTOPK-SK). Given a set of spatio-textual objects, a query location and a set of query keywords, the TOPK-SK retrieves the closest k objects each of which contains all keywords in the query.
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