Product Description
FiDoop: Parallel Mining of Frequent Itemsets Using MapReduce
Abstract— Existing parallel mining algorithms for frequent itemsets lack a mechanism that enables automatic parallelization, load balancing, data distribution, and fault tolerance on large clusters. As a solution to this problem, we design a parallel frequent itemsets mining algorithm called FiDoop using the MapReduce programming model. To achieve compressed storage and avoid building conditional pattern bases, FiDoop incorporates the frequent items ultrametric tree, rather than conventional FP trees. In FiDoop, three MapReduce jobs are implemented to complete the mining task. In the crucial third MapReduce job, the mappers independently decompose itemsets, the reducers perform combination operations by constructing
small ultrametric trees, and the actual mining of these trees separately. We implement FiDoop on our in-house Hadoop cluster. We show that FiDoop on the cluster is sensitive to data distribution and dimensions, because itemsets with different lengths have different decomposition and construction costs. To improve FiDoop’s performance, we develop a workload balance metric to measure load balance across the cluster’s computing nodes. We develop FiDoop-HD, an extension of FiDoop, to speed up the mining performance for high-dimensional data analysis. Extensive experiments using real-world celestial spectral data demonstrate that our proposed solution is efficient and scalable
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