Product Description
Quiz Application
Abstract-With the vast development of various technologies, learning today is no longer confined to classrooms with lecture delivery as the only method of onveying knowledge, rather, an electronic means of learning has continued to evolve. Electronic learning (e-Learning), which facilitates education using communications networks, has made learning possible from anywhere at any time using the Internet, wide area networks or local area networks and also Internet computer games turn to be more and more attractive within the context of technology enhanced learning. Educational games as quizzes and quests have gained significant success in appealing and motivating learners to study in a different way and provoke steadily increasing interest in new methods of quiz application. Quiz application are mainly developed to test the self-learning skills. Not only quiz applications, now-a-days all the e-learning websites having their own online based test. Our E-learning has the documentation for programming languages and also video tutorials that which can be watched in online either also in offline. Here in this application the quiz can be retrieved by using the json data, that which can be parsed by using the ajax.
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