Product Description
Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks
Abstract— Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks. Wireless body area networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > WBANs are intelligent wireless monitoring systems, consisting of wearable, and implantable computing devices on or in the human body. They are used to support a variety of personalized, advanced, and integrated applications in the field of medical, fitness, sports, military, and consumer electronics. In a WBAN, network longevity is a major challenge due to the limitation of the availability of energy supply in body nodes. Therefore, routing protocols can play a key role towards making such networks energy efficient. We exhibit that a routing protocol together with an effective body node coordinator (BNC) deployment strategy can influence the network lifetime eminently. Our initial work shows that the variation in the placement of a BNC within a WBAN could significantly vary the overall network lifetime.
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