Blind Image Steganalys is of JPEG images using feature extraction through the process of dilation Abstract?Blind Image Steganalys is of JPEG images using feature extraction through the process of dilation. A new steganalysis system for JPG-based image data hiding is proposed in this paper. We use features extracted from both wavelet and DCT domains that…
Blood Bank Management Information System in India Abstract? Blood Bank Management Information System in India. A blood bank is a bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. To provide web based communication there are numbers of online web based blood…
Blood Banking System Abstract? Blood Banking System. Due to the critical blood shortages in South Africa and around the world, the assignment of blood can be considered an important real world optimization problem. This paper presents a mathematical model that facilitates good management and assignment of red blood cell units in order to minimize the…
Blood Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Images by Major Vessel Extraction and Subimage Classi?cation Abstract?A novel three-stage blood vessel segmentation algorithm using fundus photographs. In the ?rst stage, the green plane of a fundus image is preprocessed to extract a binary image after high-pass ?ltering, and another binary image from the morphologically reconstructed enhanced image for…
Blur and Illumination Robust Face Recognition via Set-Theoretic Characterization. We address the problem of unconstrained face recognition from remotely acquired images. The main factors that make this problem challenging are image degradation due to blur, and appearance variations due to illumination and pose. In this paper, we address the problems of blur and illumination. We…
Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks Abstract? Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks. Wireless body area networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > WBANs are intelligent wireless monitoring systems, consisting of wearable, and implantable computing devices on or in the human body. They are used to support…
Book Store Management System Abstract? Book Store Management System. The Library Management System provides real time information about the books available in the Library and the user information. The main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual work. The project is < Final Year Projects 2016 > specifically designed for the use of…
Boosting Response Aware Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Abstract? Boosting Response Aware Model-Based Collaborative Filtering. Recommender systems are promising for providing personalized favorite services. Collaborative filtering < Final Year Projects 2016 > technologies, making prediction of users? preference based on users? previous behaviors, have become one of the most successful techniques to build modern recommender systems. Several…
BPO Management System Abstract?BPO Management System. The capability of relationship management is given more and more considerations with the development of BPO. The ability can be described from three fields: the will of relationship management, management capability for life cycle of service contractor relationship and the performance of relationship management, from which 10 indexes for…
Brain tumor segmentation based on a hybrid clustering technique Abstract? : Brain tumor segmentation based on a hybrid clustering technique. Image segmentation refers to the process of partitioning an image into mutually exclusive regions. It can be considered as the most essential and crucial process for facilitating the delineation, characterization, and visualization of < Final...
Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Local Independent Projection-Based Classification Abstract?Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Local Independent Projection-Based Classification. Brain tumor segmentation is an important procedure for early tumor diagnosis and radiotherapy planning. Although numerous brain tumor segmentation methods have < Final Year Projects > been presented, enhancing tumor segmentation methods is still challenging because brain…