An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships Abstract?UUsers and resources in online social networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > OSNs are interconnected via various types of relationships. In particular, user-to-user relationships form the basis of the OSN structure, and play a signi?cant role in specifying and enforcing access control. Individual…
An Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service. Our paper presents solutions using erasure coding, parallel connections to storage cloud and limited chunking (i.e., dividing the object into a few smaller segments) together to significantly improve the delay performance of uploading and downloading data in and out of cloud storage. TOFEC is a strategy that helps front-end proxy…
An Adaptive Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission Abstract? An Adaptive Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission. In this paper, we propose an adaptive receiver for efficient intercarrier interference (ICI) cancellation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems using two-path conjugate transmission. This receiver design is based on the phase rotated…
An Adaptive System Based on Roadmap Profiling to Enhance Warning Message Dissemination in VANETs Abstract? In recent years, new applications, architectures, and technologies have been proposed for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Regarding traffic safety applications for VANETs, warning messages have to be quickly and smartly disseminated in order to reduce the required dissemination time…
An Advanced Moving Object Detection Algorithm for Automatic Traffic Monitoring In Real-World Limited Bandwidth Networks Abstract? Machine- controlled motion detection technology is Associate in nursing integral element of intelligent transportation systems, and is especially essential for management of traffic and maintenance of traffic police investigation systems. Traffic police investigation systems mistreatment video communication over real-…
An Algorithm for Power Line Detection and Warning Based on a Millimeter-Wave Radar Video Abstract? Power-line-strike accident is a major safety threat for low-?ying aircrafts such as helicopters, thus an automatic warning system to power lines is highly desirable. In this paper we propose an algorithm for detecting power lines from radar videos from an…
An Analog VLSI Implementation of the Inner Hair Cell and Auditory Nerve Using a Dual AGC Model Abstract?An analog inner hair cell and auditory nerve circuit using a dual AGC model has been implemented using 0.35 micron mixed-signal technology. < Final Year Projects > A fully-differential current-mode architecture is used and the ability to correct…
An Android Application To Aid Uneducated Deaf-Dumb People Abstract?One of the most popular handicaps is the deaf and dumb type, which prevent person from listening and talking. The number of deaf and dumb in the world continuously increasing and they are introverted closed society. Therefore, Deaf-Dumb people do not have normal opportunities for learning. Uneducated…
An approach to generalization of fuzzy TOPSIS method Abstract? An approach to generalization of fuzzy TOPSIS method. Due to the vagueness of human being thinking, decision-makers prefer to use hesitant fuzzy linguistic sets (HFLSs) to estimate the alternatives. Some methods of HFLSs have been researched based on the more familiar means such as the arithmetic…
An Area-Based Image Fusion Scheme for the Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery Abstract? An Area-Based Image Fusion Scheme for the Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery. The task of enhancing the perception of a scene by combining information captured from different image sensors is usually known as multisensor image fusion. This paper…