Showing 169–180 of 2024 results

  • A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks

    0 out of 5

    A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks Abstract? A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks.As wireless communication gains popularity, significant research has been devoted to supporting real-time transmission with stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for wireless applications. At the same time, a wireless hybrid network that integrates a mobile wireless…

  • A Real-time Multi-User Face Unlock System via Fast Sparse Coding Approximation

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    A Real-time Multi-User Face Unlock System via Fast Sparse Coding Approximation Abstract? A Real-time Multi-User Face Unlock System via Fast Sparse Coding Approximation. We propose a multi-user face unlock system based on fast sparse coding approximation. Different approximation techniques of sparse coding are compared for real-time processing and recognition rate. The system is capable of…

  • A Reconfigurable 5-to-14 bit SARADC for Battery-Powered Medical Instrumentation

    0 out of 5

    A Reconfigurable 5-to-14 bit SARADC for Battery-Powered Medical Instrumentation Abstract? In battery-powered medical instrumentation, the resolution and signal bandwidth of analog-to-digital converters < Final Year Projects 2016 > ADCs have to be adapted to the needs of the application to avoid power wastage. This paper presents a recon?gurable successive approximation register (SAR) ADC implemented in…

  • A Reduced – complexity MIMO Receiver via Channel Ordering

    0 out of 5

    A Reduced – complexity MIMO Receiver via Channel Ordering Abstract?We consider the problem of maximum likelihood (ML) signal detection in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems. We propose a new preprocessing algorithm in the form of channel ordering for sphere decoders. Numerical results show that this new channel ordering leads to significantly lower complexity (in…

  • Placeholder

    A Research of Feature-based Image Mosaic Algorithm

    0 out of 5

    A Research of Feature-based Image Mosaic Algorithm Abstract?Due to the stitching precision and speed of existing image mosaicing technique, this paper summarizes three common based on Feature matching algorithm: Harris corner detection algorithm, SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm, SURF ( Speeded-Up Robust Features ) algorithm. This paper describes the principle of three algorithm respectively….

  • A Resource Allocation Scheme for Scalable Video Multicast in WiMAX Relay Networks

    0 out of 5

    A Resource Allocation Scheme for Scalable Video Multicast in WiMAX Relay Networks Abstract?A Resource Allocation Scheme for Scalable Video Multicast in WiMAX Relay Networks. This paper proposes the first resource allocation scheme in the literature to support scalable-video multicast for WiMAX relay networks. We prove that when the < Final Year Projects > available bandwidth…

  • A Review of Anomaly based Intrusion Detection Systems

    0 out of 5

    A Review of Anomaly based Intrusion Detection Systems Abstract? With the advent of anomaly-based intrusion detection systems, many approaches and techniques have been developed to track novel attacks on the systems. High detection rate of 98% at a low alarm rate of 1% can be achieved by using these techniques. Though anomaly-based approaches are efficient,…

  • Placeholder

    A Review on the State-of-the-Art Privacy-Preserving Approaches in the e-Health Clouds

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    A Review on the State-of-the-Art Privacy-Preserving Approaches in the e-Health Clouds Abstract?A Review on the State-of-the-Art Privacy-Preserving Approaches in the e-Health Clouds.Cloud computing is emerging as a new computing paradigm in the healthcare sector besides other business domains. Large numbers of health organizations have started shifting the electronic health information to the cloud environment. Introducing…

  • A robust method for data hiding using images

    0 out of 5

    A robust method for data hiding using images Abstract?A robust method for data hiding using images. We propose, in this paper, a novel edge-adaptive data hiding method for authenticating binary host images. Through establishing a dense edge-adaptive grid (EAG) along the object contours, we use a simple binary image to show that EAG more efficiently…

  • A Rough-Set-Based Incremental Approach for Updating Approximations under Dynamic Maintenance Environments

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    A Rough-Set-Based Incremental Approach for Updating Approximations under Dynamic Maintenance Environments Abstract?Approximations of a concept by a variable precision rough-set model (VPRS) usually vary under a dynamic information system environment. It is thus effective to carry out incremental updating approximations by utilizing previous data structures.< Final Year Project > This paper focuses on a new…

  • A Scalable and Modular Architecture for High-Performance Packet Classification

    0 out of 5

    A Scalable and Modular Architecture for High-Performance Packet Classification Abstract? A Scalable and Modular Architecture for High-Performance Packet Classification. Packet classification is widely used as a core function for various applications in network infrastructure. With increasing demands in throughput, performing wire-speed packet classification has become challenging. Also the performance of today’s packet classification solutions depends…

  • Placeholder

    A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications

    0 out of 5

    A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications   Abstract? A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications. Social network applications are becoming increasingly popular on mobile devices. A mobile presence service is an essential component of a social network application because it maintains each mobile user’s…

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