Redundancy Management of Multipath Routing for Intrusion Tolerance in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks sequence and plain text Abstract?we propose redundancy management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (HWSNs), utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. The key concept of our redundancy management is to exploit the tradeoff between…
Regional Grain Yield Response to Climate Change in China: A Statistic Modeling Approach Abstract?China is the world?s most populous country with only 7% of the world?s arable land. Accurate assessment of the effect that future climate change may pose on grain production is essential to the sustainability of agriculture. Model variations plus uncertainties in the…
RegularRoute: An Efficient Detailed Router Applying Regular Routing Patterns Abstract?In this paper, we propose RegularRoute, an efficient detailed router encouraging regular routing patterns. RegularRoute is proposed for potentially better design rule satisfaction based on a correct-by-construction methodology. Given the underlying spacing-based design rules, 2-D global routing solution, and 3-D detailed routing tracks, RegularRoute generates a…
RELAI testing: A technique to assess and improve software reliability Abstract? Testing software for assessing or improving reliability presents several practical challenges. Conventional operational testing is a fundamental strategy that simulates the real usage of the system in order to expose failures with the highest occurrence probability. However, practitioners ?nd it unsuitable for assessing/delivering high…
Relational Collaborative Topic Regression for Recommender Systems Abstract? Relational Collaborative Topic Regression for Recommender Systems. Due to its successful application in recommender systems, collaborative ?ltering (CF) has become a hot research topic in data mining and information retrieval. In traditional CF methods, only the feedback matrix, which contains either explicit feedback < Final Year Projects...
Relaxed Min-Max Decoder Architectures for Nonbinary Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. Compared to binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, nonbinary (NB) LDPC codes can achieve higher coding gain when the codeword length is moderate, but at the cost of higher decoding complexity. One major bottleneck of NB-LDPC decoding is the complicated check node processing. In this paper, a…
Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Mining Abstract? Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Mining. It is a big challenge to guarantee the quality of discovered relevance features in text documents for describing user < Final Year Projects 2016 > preferences because of large scale terms and data patterns. Most existing popular text mining and classi?cation methods…
Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Mining Abstract? A big challenge to guarantee the quality of discovered relevance features in text documents for describing user preferences because of large scale terms and data patterns. Most existing popular text mining and classi?cation methods have adopted term-based approaches. However, they have all suffered from the problems of polysemy…
Reliability Oriented Single path Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract?Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) bring significant advantages over traditional communications in today’s applications, such as environmental monitoring, homeland security, and health care. However, harsh and complex environments pose great challenges in the reliability of WSN communications. To achieve reliable wireless communications within WSNs, it is…
Reliability-Based Design Optimization for Cloud Migration Abstract?The on-demand use, high scalability, and low maintenance cost nature of cloud computing have attracted more and more enterprises to migrate their legacy applications to the cloud environment. Although the cloud platform itself promises high reliability, ensuring high quality of service is still one of the major concerns, since…