Showing 253–264 of 2013 results

  • Placeholder

    Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions

    0 out of 5

    Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions Abstract? Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions. Naturalistic affective expressions change at a rate much slower than the typical rate at which video or audio is recorded. This increases the probability that consecutive recorded instants of expressions represent the same affective…

  • Placeholder

    Age and pose Invarient feature extraction for Robust face Recognation

    0 out of 5

    Age and pose Invarient feature extraction for Robust face Recognation Abstract? Automatic face recognition system has been facing problems in recognizing subjects of varying ages. Age invariant recognition has been of great use in tracking people database especially in public domain systems like driving license,< Final Year Project > passport, and criminal records etc., this…

  • Aggressive Resource Provisioning for Ensuring QoS in Virtualized Environments

    0 out of 5

    Aggressive Resource Provisioning for Ensuring QoS in Virtualized Environments Abstract?Elasticity has now become the elemental feature of cloud computing as it enables the ability to dynamically add or remove virtual machine instances when workload changes. However, effective virtualized resource management is still one of the most challenging tasks. When the workload of a service increases…

  • Agricultural plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing

    0 out of 5

    Agricultural plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing Abstract? The detection of plant leaf is an very important factor to prevent serious outbreak. Automatic detection of plant disease is essential research topic. Most plant diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Fungi are < Final Year Projects 2016 > identified primarily from their morphology,…

  • Agriculture Information System

    0 out of 5

    Agriculture Information System Abstract?Agriculture Information System. Existing agriculture information systems can meet general storage and general management requirements, however, on intensive management mode, users need to visit and gather resources and data in multiple heterogeneous information systems that distribute in different location of the web. These heterogeneous information systems not only have difference in platform…

  • ALBA-R Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks

    0 out of 5

    ALBA-R Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract?ALBA-R Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks. This paper presents ALBA-R, a protocol for convergecasting in wireless sensor networks. ALBA-R features the cross-layer integration of geographic routing with contention-based MAC for relay selection and load balancing (ALBA), as well as…

  • Algorithm and Architecture for a Low-Power Content-Addressable Memory Based on Sparse Clustered Networks

    0 out of 5

    Algorithm and Architecture for a Low-Power Content-Addressable Memory Based on Sparse Clustered Networks Abstract? Algorithm and Architecture for a Low-Power Content-Addressable Memory Based on Sparse Clustered Networks. A low-power content-addressable memory < Final Year Project 2016 > CAM employing a new algorithm for associativity between the input tag and the corresponding address of the output…

  • Algorithms and Architectures of Energy-Efficient Error-Resilient MIMO Detectors for Memory-Dominated Wireless Communication Systems

    0 out of 5

    Algorithms and Architectures of Energy-Efficient Error-Resilient MIMO Detectors for Memory-Dominated Wireless Communication Systems Abstract?In a broadband MIMO-OFDM wireless communication system, embedded buffering memories occupy a large portion of the chip area and a significant amount of power consumption. Due to process variations of advanced CMOS technologies, it becomes both challenging and costly to maintain perfectly…

  • Placeholder

    Algorithms for a parallel implementation of Hidden Markov Models with a small state space

    0 out of 5

    Algorithms for a parallel implementation of Hidden Markov Models with a small state space Abstract?Two of the most important algorithms for Hidden Markov Models are the forward and the Viterbi algorithms. We show how formulating these using linear algebra naturally lends itself to parallelization.< Final Year Project > Although the obtained algorithms are slow for…

  • All Digital Energy Sensing for Minimum Energy Tracking

    0 out of 5

    All Digital Energy Sensing for Minimum Energy Tracking Abstract? Minimizing energy consumption is of utmost importance in an energy starved system with relaxed performance requirements. This brief presents a digital energy sensing method that requires neither a constant voltage reference nor a time reference. An energy minimizing loop uses this to find the minimum energy…

  • Allocation of distributed generation using proposed DMSP approach based on utility and customers aspects under deregulated environment

    0 out of 5

    Allocation of distributed generation using proposed DMSP approach based on utility and customers aspects under deregulated environment Abstract? Many methods were proposed in the literature for finding best allocations for DG placement considering various objectives. Sometimes, it becomes cumbersome task for system planners to select the objective for DG allocation based on utility and customer…

  • Alumni management

    0 out of 5

    Alumni management   Abstract?With the rapid and exciting development, a lot of open source software have been applied in various fields and evaluated very well. How to take advantage of open source to structure large scale information management systems for reducing the cost of application developments has become a meaningful research. This paper is focused…

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