CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability Abstract? CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability. Nowadays, more and more enterprises and organizations are hosting their data into the cloud, in order to reduce the IT maintenance cost and enhance the data reliability. However, facing the numerous cloud vendors as…
CHARM: A Cost-efficient Multi-cloud Data Hosting Scheme with High Availability Abstract? More and more enterprises and organizations are hosting their data into the cloud, in order to reduce the IT maintenance cost and enhance the data reliability. However, facing the numerous cloud vendors as well as their heterogenous pricing policies, customers may well be perplexed…
Chatting Application Using Google Cloud Messaging Abstract? Chat Application using Google Cloud Messaging.A GCM implementation includes a Google connection server, an app server in your environment that interacts with the connection server via HTTP or XMPP protocol, and a client app. Google GCM Connection Servers take messages from your app server and send them to…
Chatting Application Using Google Cloud Messaging Abstract? Chatting Application Using Google Cloud Messaging. Google Cloud Messaging < Final Year Projects 2016 > GCM is a free service that enables users to send messages between servers and client apps. This includes downstream messages from servers to client apps, and upstream messages from client apps to servers….
CIDS-A framework for intrusion detection in cloud system Abstract? By impersonating legitimate users, intruders can use the abundant resources of cloud computing environments. This paper develops a framework for “CIDS” a cloud based intrusion detection system, to solve the deficiencies of current IDSs.< Final Year Projects > CIDS also provides a component to summarize the…
CipherXRay: Exposing Cryptographic Operations and Transient Secrets from Monitored Binary Execution Abstract?CipherXRay: Malwares are becoming increasingly stealthy, more and more malwares are using cryptographic algorithms (e.g., packing, encrypting C&C communication) to protect themselves from being analyzed. The use of cryptographic algorithms and truly transient cryptographic secrets inside the malware binary imposes a key obstacle to…
Circuit Ciphertext-policy Attribute-based Hybrid Encryption with Verifiable Delegation in Cloud Computing Abstract? In the cloud, for achieving access control and keeping data confidential, the data owners could adopt attribute-based encryption to encrypt the stored data. Users with limited computing power are however more likely to delegate the mask of the decryption task to the cloud…
Circular Reranking for Visual Search.We propose a hybrid scheduling algorithm for load balancing in a distributed environment by combining the methodology of Divide-and-Conquer and Throttled algorithms referred to as DCBT. Our algorithm plays an important role in distributing the incoming load in an efficient manner so that it maximizes resource utilization in a cloud environment….
CISRI: A Crime Investigation System Using the Relative Importance of Information Spreaders in Networks Depicting Criminals Communications Abstract? CISRI: A Crime Investigation System Using the Relative Importance of Information Spreaders in Networks Depicting Criminals Communications. We propose a forensic analysis system called crime investigation system using the relative importance < Final Year Projects 2016 >…
Citizen card system Abstract?Citizen card system. Citizen card system, commonly based on SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) has brought great comfort and convenience to the locals, drumming up the progress of Urban Information Construction. However, the application of citizen card system has not been popularized for some technical reason. This paper briefly introduces its current situation, and…
Civil Registration Abstract?The trends models identity management available, authentication, authorization and audit have been analyzed in order to mitigate the vulnerabilities and risks of the information. The development of this model for the Civil Registry of Ecuador in the next phase was determined. The deductive method was used in the analysis. Resulted methodologies should be…