An Ontology-based Approach to Text Summarization Abstract?An Ontology-based Approach to Text Summarization. Extractive text summarization aims to create a condensed version of one or more source documents by selecting the most informative sentences. Research in text summarization has therefore often focused on measures of the usefulness of sentences for a summary. We present an approach…
An ontology-enabled framework for a geospatial problem-solving environment Abstract?Effective planning, response, and recovery (PRR) involving terrorist attacks or natural disasters come with a vast array of information needs. Much of the required information originates from disparate sources in widely differing formats.< Final Year Projects > However, one common attribute the information often possesses is physical…
An OpenFlow Architecture for Energy Aware Traffic Engineering in Mobile Networks Abstract?To cope with the growing traf?c demand, future mobile networks will be denser and integrate heterogeneous technologies. However, if not properly engineered, such networks may incur in huge energy wastage when there is little traf?c, and may suffer from an unbearable management burden caused…
An OpenFlow Architecture for Energy-Aware Traffic Engineering in Mobile Networks Abstract? To cope with the growing traffic demand, future mobile networks will be denser and integrate heterogeneous technologies. However, if not properly engineered, such networks may incur huge energy waste when there is little traffic, and may suffer from an unbearable management burden caused by…
An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput in WiMAX Mesh Networks Abstract? The WiMAX mesh network (WMN) architecture is defined in the IEEE 802.16 standard for increasing network coverage and improving communication performance. In the past few years, several greedy or heuristic algorithms have been proposed to cope with the scheduling problem in WMNs. However,…
An Optimal-Distance-Based Transmission Strategy for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract? An Optimal-Distance-Based Transmission Strategy for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks. An effective transmission strategy plays a vital role in maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks WSNs< Final Year Projects 2016 > To fulfill such a maximization aim, an optimal-distance-based transmission strategy…
An optimized algorithm for association rule mining using FP tree Abstract? An optimized algorithm for association rule mining using FP tree..Data mining is used to deal with the huge size of the data stored in the database to extract the desired information and knowledge. It has various techniques for the extraction of data; association rule…
AN OVERVIEW OF DATA HIDING TECHNIQUE:-STEGANOGRAPHY Abstract? AN OVERVIEW OF DATA HIDING TECHNIQUE:-STEGANOGRAPHY. The idea of this paper is to invent a new strategy in Steganography to get the minimum effect in audio which is used to hide data into it. ?Progress always involves risk? Fredrick Wilcox observed that technological progress of computer science and…
An Overview of Location-Based Online Shopping Application Abstract?An Overview of Location-Based Online Shopping Application. a smart location-based online shopping application for Android devices is proposed. In recent years, there has been considerable research interest in Online Shopping. In proposed system, we present a Smart Shopping System to provide customers with a smart shopping experience with…
An unsupervised approach to develop IR system :In case of urudu Abstract?Web Search Engines are best gifts to the mankind by Information and Communication Technologies. Without the search engines it would have been almost impossible to make the efficient access of the information available on the web today. They play a very vital role in…
An unsupervised feature selection algorithm based on ant colony optimization Abstract?Feature selection is a combinatorial optimization problem that selects most relevant features from an original feature set to increase the performance of classification or clustering algorithms. Most feature selection methods are supervised methods and use the class labels as a guide. On the other hand,…
Analysis of Leakage Current and Leakage Power Reduction during Write operation in CMOS SRAM Cell Abstract?Leakage power is a major issue for short channel devices. As the technology is shrinking (i.e., 180nm, 90nm, 45nm. etc.) the leakage current is increasing very fast. < Final Year Projects > So, several methods and techniques have been proposed…