A Coarse to Fine Minutiae-Based Latent Palmprint Matching Abstract? The availability of live-scan palmprint technology, high resolution palmprint recognition has started to receive significant attention in forensics and law enforcement. In forensic applications, latent palmprints provide critical evidence as it is estimated that about 30 percent of the latents recovered at crime scenes are those…
A Cocktail Approach for Travel Package Recommendation Abstract? Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in recommender systems. Despite significant progress in this field, there still remain numerous avenues to explore. Indeed, this paper provides a study of exploiting online travel information for personalized travel package recommendation. A critical challenge along this line is to…
A Cold Start Recommendation System Using Item Correlation and User Similarity Abstract? Conventional recommendation systems tend to focus on variations of well-known information retrieval techniques. We took a fresh approach, rather than to follow the traditional, commonly applied recommendation methodology of creating a user-item matrix, and then using them to make recommendations. Instead, we established…
A Colpitts CMOS Quadrature VCO Using Direct Connection of Substrates for Coupling Abstract?A new low-phase noise low-power quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO) using differential Colpitts oscillator is presented. < Final Year Projects > The proposed QVCO is composed of two identical current-switching differential Colpitts VCOs in which the first core VCO is coupled to the second…
A Comber Approach to Protect Cloud Computing against XML DDoS and HTTP DDoS attack Abstract?Cloud computing is an internet based pay as use service which provides three layered services (Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service) to its consumers on demand. These on demand service facilities provide to its…
A Combination of Feature Extraction Methods with an Ensemble of Different Classifiers for Protein Structural Class Prediction Problem Abstract? A Combination of Feature Extraction Methods with an Ensemble of Different Classifiers for Protein Structural Class Prediction Problem. Better understanding of structural class of a given protein reveals important information about its overall folding type and…
A combined approach to ensure data security in cloud computing Abstract? A combined approach to ensure data security in cloud computing. Offering real-time data security for petabytes of data is important for cloud computing. A recent survey on cloud security states that the security of users’ data has the highest priority as well as concern….
A combined mining-based framework for predicting telecommunications customer payment behaviors Abstract?A combined mining-based framework for predicting telecommunications customer payment behaviors. Recommender systems are mostly well known for their applications in e-commerce sites and are mostly static models. Classical personalized recommender algorithm include collaborative filtering method applied in Amazon, matrix factorization algorithm from Netflix, < Final...
A Combined SDC-SDF Architecture for Normal I/O Pipelined Radix-2 FFT Abstract? An ef?cient combined single-path delay commutator-feedback < Final Year Projects 2016 > SDC-SDF radix-2 pipelined fast Fourier transform architecture, which includes log N – 1 SDC stages, and 1 SDF stage. The SDC processing engine is proposed to achieve a 100% hardware resource utilization…
A Communication-Based Appliance Scheduling Scheme forConsumer-Premise Energy Management Systems Abstract? A communication-based load scheduling protocol is proposed for in-home appliances connected over a home area network. Specifically, a joint access and scheduling approach for appliances is developed to enable in-home appliances to coordinate power usage so that the total energy demand for the home is…
A Comparative Study of Power Supply Architectures in Wireless EV Charging Systems Abstract? A Comparative Study of Power Supply Architectures in Wireless EV Charging Systems. Two of the primary power supply architectures being predominantly used for wireless electric vehicle < Final Year Projects 2016 > EV charging, namely the series LC resonant (SLC) and the…
A Comparative Study On Classification Of Image Segmentation Methods With A Focus On Graph Based Techniques Abstract?Image segmentation is the most precarious functions in image processing and analysis. Basically segmentation consequences influence all the subsequent processes of image analysis such as object description and illustration, characteristic dimension, and even the subsequent higher level tasks such…