Showing 277–288 of 2138 results

  • Algorithms and Architectures of Energy-Efficient Error-Resilient MIMO Detectors for Memory-Dominated Wireless Communication Systems

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    Algorithms and Architectures of Energy-Efficient Error-Resilient MIMO Detectors for Memory-Dominated Wireless Communication Systems Abstract?In a broadband MIMO-OFDM wireless communication system, embedded buffering memories occupy a large portion of the chip area and a significant amount of power consumption. Due to process variations of advanced CMOS technologies, it becomes both challenging and costly to maintain perfectly…

  • Placeholder

    Algorithms for a parallel implementation of Hidden Markov Models with a small state space

    0 out of 5

    Algorithms for a parallel implementation of Hidden Markov Models with a small state space Abstract?Two of the most important algorithms for Hidden Markov Models are the forward and the Viterbi algorithms. We show how formulating these using linear algebra naturally lends itself to parallelization.< Final Year Project > Although the obtained algorithms are slow for…

  • All Digital Energy Sensing for Minimum Energy Tracking

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    All Digital Energy Sensing for Minimum Energy Tracking Abstract? Minimizing energy consumption is of utmost importance in an energy starved system with relaxed performance requirements. This brief presents a digital energy sensing method that requires neither a constant voltage reference nor a time reference. An energy minimizing loop uses this to find the minimum energy…

  • Allocation of distributed generation using proposed DMSP approach based on utility and customers aspects under deregulated environment

    0 out of 5

    Allocation of distributed generation using proposed DMSP approach based on utility and customers aspects under deregulated environment Abstract? Many methods were proposed in the literature for finding best allocations for DG placement considering various objectives. Sometimes, it becomes cumbersome task for system planners to select the objective for DG allocation based on utility and customer…

  • Alumni management

    0 out of 5

    Alumni management   Abstract?With the rapid and exciting development, a lot of open source software have been applied in various fields and evaluated very well. How to take advantage of open source to structure large scale information management systems for reducing the cost of application developments has become a meaningful research. This paper is focused…

  • Placeholder

    Am improved MPPT controller for PV System under partial shading

    0 out of 5

    Am improved MPPT controller for PV System under partial shading Abstract?Am improved MPPT controller for PV System under partial shading. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is an integral part of a system of energy conversion using photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The power-voltage characteristic of PV arrays operating under partial shading conditions exhibits multiple local maximum power…

  • AML: Efficient Approximate Membership Localization within a Web-Based Join Framework

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    AML: Efficient Approximate Membership Localization within a Web-Based Join Framework Abstract? AML: Efficient Approximate Membership Localization within a Web-Based Join Framework. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″…

  • An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships

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    An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships Abstract? An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships. Users and resources in online social networks (OSNs) are interconnected via various types of relationships. In particular, user-to-user relationships form the basis of the OSN structure, and play a signi?cant role in…

  • An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships

    0 out of 5

    An Access Control Model for Online Social Networks Using User-to-User Relationships Abstract?UUsers and resources in online social networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > OSNs are interconnected via various types of relationships. In particular, user-to-user relationships form the basis of the OSN structure, and play a signi?cant role in specifying and enforcing access control. Individual…

  • Placeholder

    An ACO-inspired algorithm for minimizing weighted flowtime in cloud-based parameter sweep experiments

    0 out of 5

    An ACO-inspired algorithm for minimizing weighted flowtime in cloud-based parameter sweep experiments Abstract? An ACO-inspired algorithm for minimizing weighted flowtime in cloud-based parameter sweep experiments. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting…

  • An Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service

    0 out of 5

    An Adaptive Cloud Downloading Service. Our paper presents solutions using erasure coding, parallel connections to storage cloud and limited chunking (i.e., dividing the object into a few smaller segments) together to significantly improve the delay performance of uploading and downloading data in and out of cloud storage. TOFEC is a strategy that helps front-end proxy…

  • Placeholder

    An Adaptive Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission

    0 out of 5

    An Adaptive Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission Abstract? An Adaptive Receiver Design for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission. In this paper, we propose an adaptive receiver for efficient intercarrier interference (ICI) cancellation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems using two-path conjugate transmission. This receiver design is based on the phase rotated…

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