Showing 2053–2064 of 2138 results

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    Trust is Good, Control is Better: Creating Secure Clouds by Continuous Auditing

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    Trust is Good, Control is Better: Creating Secure Clouds by Continuous Auditing Abstract? Cloud service certifications (CSC) attempt to assure a high level of security and compliance. However, considering that cloud services are part of an ever-changing environment, multi-year validity periods may put in doubt reliability of such certifications. We argue that continuous auditing (CA)…

  • Trust-based Service Composition and Optimization

    0 out of 5

    Trust-based Service Composition and Optimization Abstract? Trust-based Service Composition and Optimization. As an important method for creating value-added services by composing existing services, Web service composition technology has attracted an increasing attention in recent years. Most current service composition and optimization methods utilize quality of service (QoS) attributes to decide which concrete services to invoke….

  • Placeholder

    Trusted DB Data Privacy And Data Confidentiality

    0 out of 5

    Trusted DB Data Privacy And Data Confidentiality Abstract?Trusted DB Data Privacy And Data Confidentiality, Traditionally, as soon as confidentiality becomes a concern, data are encrypted before outsourcing to a service provider. Any software-based cryptographic constructs then deployed, for server-side query processing on the encrypted data, inherently limit query expressiveness. Here, we introduce TrustedDB, an outsourced…

  • Placeholder

    Trustworthiness management in the social network of things

    0 out of 5

    Trustworthiness management in the social network of things Abstract?Trustworthiness management in the social network of things. The integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of things has led to the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, according to which objects are capable of establishing social relationships in an autonomous way with respect to their…

  • Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds

    0 out of 5

    Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds Abstract? Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds. A major challenging problem for cloud providers is designing ef?cient mechanisms for virtual machine < Final Year Projects 2016 > VM provisioning and allocation. Such mechanisms enable the cloud providers…

  • Placeholder

    Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds

    0 out of 5

    Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds Abstract? A major challenging problem for cloud providers is designing efficient mechanisms for virtual machine (VM) provisioning and allocation. Such mechanisms enable the cloud providers to effectively utilize their available resources and obtain higher profits. Recently, cloud providers have introduced auction-based models for…

  • TruXy: Trusted Storage Cloud for Scientific Workflows

    0 out of 5

    TruXy: Trusted Storage Cloud for Scientific Workflows Abstract? TruXy: Trusted Storage Cloud for Scientific Workflows. A wide array of Clouds have been built and adopted by business and research communities. Similarly, many research communities use workflow environments and tools such as < Final Year Projects 2016 > Taverna and Galaxy to model the execution of…

  • Placeholder

    Tumor Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Textural Features and SVM-Based Feature Selection

    0 out of 5

    Tumor Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Textural Features and SVM-Based Feature Selection Abstract? Tumor in digestive tract is a common disease and wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a relatively new technology to examine diseases for digestive tract especially for small intestine. This paper addresses the problem of automatic recognition of tumor < Final...

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    TW-k-Means: Automated Two-Level Variable Weighting Clustering Algorithm for Multiview Data

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    TW-k-Means: Automated Two-Level Variable Weighting Clustering Algorithm for Multiview Data Abstract? TW-k-Means: Automated Two-Level Variable Weighting Clustering Algorithm for Multiview Data. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting Softwares [/numbers_sections] [numbers_sections number=”2″…

  • Placeholder

    Tweet Analysis for Real-Time Event Detection and Earthquake Reporting System Development

    0 out of 5

    Tweet Analysis for Real-Time Event Detection and Earthquake Reporting System Development Abstract? Tweet Analysis for Real-Time Event Detection and Earthquake Reporting System Development. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=” last=”no” ] Base Paper Complete Source Code Complete Documentation Complete Presentation Slides Flow Diagram Database File Screenshots Execution Procedure Readme File Addons Video Tutorials Supporting…

  • Placeholder

    Twitter data analysis by means of Strong FlippingGeneralized Itemsets

    0 out of 5

    Twitter data analysis by means of Strong FlippingGeneralized Itemsets Abstract?Social Network Services (SNS) like Facebook, Twitter, Sina Weibo etc. are widely used all over the world today. People use them to keep in touch with friends and make new friends online. In China, Sina Weibo is one of the most successful social network service and…

  • Placeholder

    Two cooperative ant colonies for feature selection using fuzzy models

    0 out of 5

    Two cooperative ant colonies for feature selection using fuzzy models Abstract? The available set of potential features in real-world databases is sometimes very large,< Final Year Projects > and it can be necessary to find a small subset for classification purposes. One of the most important techniques in data pre-processing for classification is feature selection….

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