A New Multiple Service Key Management Scheme for Secure Wireless Mobile Multicast Abstract? A New Multiple Service Key Management Scheme for Secure Wireless Mobile Multicast. Addressing key management in mobile multicast communication is currently a booming topic due to the convergence of wireless and mobile technologies. With the proliferation of multiple group based services that…
A New PAPR Reduction Technique in OFDM Systems Using Linear Predictive Coding Abstract? High peak-to-average power ratio < Final Year Projects 2016 > PAPR has always been as a major problem in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that leads to a severe nonlinear distortion in practical hardware implementations of high power ampli?er. In this article,…
A New Secure Image Transmission Technique via Secret Abstract?A New Secure Image Transmission Technique via Secret. A new secure image transmission technique is proposed, which transforms automatically a given large-volume secret image into a so-called secret-fragment-visible mosaic image of the same size. The mosaic image, which looks similar to an arbitrarily selected target image and…
A New Secure Image Transmission Technique via Secret-Fragment-Visible Mosaic Images by Nearly Reversible Color Transformations Abstract?A New Secure Image Transmission Technique via Secret-Fragment-Visible Mosaic Images by Nearly Reversible Color Transformations. A new secure image transmission technique is proposed, which transforms automatically a given large-volume secret image into a so-called secret-fragment-visible mosaic image of the same…
A New Space Vector Modulation Scheme for Multilevel Inverters Which Directly Vector Quantize the Reference Space Vector Abstract? A New Space Vector Modulation Scheme for Multilevel Inverters Which Directly Vector Quantize the Reference Space Vector. A new space-vector-based sigma delta modulation scheme for any general N-level voltage source inverter is proposed in this paper, which…
A New Surface-Inset, Permanent-Magnet, Brushless DC Motor Drive for Electric Vehicles Abstract?A New Surface-Inset, Permanent-Magnet, Brushless DC Motor Drive for Electric Vehicles. A new five-phase, surface-inset, permanent-magnet (PM), brushless dc motor drive is proposed in this paper. The motor drive has advantages of both the PM brushless dc motor drive and the dc series motor…
A New SVM Method to Reduce Common-mode Voltage in Direct Matrix Converter Abstract?A New SVM Method to Reduce Common-mode Voltage in Direct Matrix Converter. on the common-mode voltage < Final Year Projects 2016 > CMV reduction in direct matrix converter (MC) using direct space vector modulation (DSVM) (SVM) method. Even though a Previous DSVM method…
A New XOR-Free Approach for Implementation of Convolutional Encoder Abstract?This letter presents a new algorithm to construct an XOR-Free architecture of a power efficient Convolutional Encoder. Optimization of XOR operators is the main concern while implementing polynomials over GF(2), which consumes a significant amount of dynamic power. < final year projects > [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including…
A Novel and Lightweight System to Secure Wireless Medical Sensor Networks Abstract? A Novel and Lightweight System to Secure Wireless Medical Sensor Networks. Wireless medical sensor networks (MSNs) are a key enabling technology in e-healthcare that allows the data of a patient’s vital body parameters to be collected by the wearable or implantable biosensors. However,…
A Novel Approach for Denoising and Enhancement of Extremely Low-light Video Abstract:?A Novel Approach for Denoising and enhancement of extremely low-light video is proposed. For noise removal, a motion adaptive temporal filtering based on Kalman structured updating is presented.Dynamic range of denoised video is increased by adjustment of RGB histograms using Gamma correction with adaptive…
A Novel Burst-based Text Representation Model for Scalable Event Detection Abstract? A Novel Burst-based Text Representation Model for Scalable Event Detection. Traditional Clustering is a powerful technique for revealing the “hot” topics among documents. However, it’s hard to discover the new type events coming out gradually. In this paper, we propose a novel model for…
A Novel Congestion Avoidance Technique for Simultaneous Real-Time Medical Data Transmission Abstract? The use of Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN) in medical services aims at providing continuous monitoring of patients? physiological data. However, the scarce resources in WBSN nodes limit their capabilities to cope with massive traf?c during multiple, simultaneous data transmissions. This will create…