Showing 1957–1968 of 2066 results

  • Towards Information Diffusion in Mobile Social Networks

    0 out of 5

    Towards Information Diffusion in Mobile Social Networks Abstract? Towards Information Diffusion in Mobile Social Networks. The emerging of mobile social networks opens opportunities for viral marketing. However, before fully utilizing mobile social networks as a platform for viral marketing, many challenges have to be addressed. In this paper, we address the < Final Year Projects...

  • Placeholder

    Towards Online Shortest Path

    0 out of 5

    Towards Online Shortest Path Abstract?Towards Online Shortest Path, The online shortest path problem aims at computing the shortest path based on live traffic circumstances. This is very important in modern car navigation systems as it helps drivers to make sensible decisions. To our best knowledge, there is no efficient system/solution that can offer affordable costs…

  • Placeholder

    Towards Online Shortest Path Computation

    0 out of 5

    Towards Online Shortest Path Computation Abstract?Towards Online Shortest Path Computation. The online shortest path problem aims at computing the shortest path based on live traffic circumstances. This is very important in modern car navigation systems as it helps drivers to make sensible decisions. To our best knowledge, there is no efficient system/solution that can offer…

  • Towards Privacy Preserving Publishing of Set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud

    0 out of 5

    Towards Privacy Preserving Publishing of Set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud Abstract? Towards Privacy Preserving Publishing of Set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud. Storage as a service has become an important paradigm in cloud computing for its great flexibility and economic savings. However, the development is hampered by data privacy concerns: data owners no longer physically possess…

  • Towards Privacy-Preserving Storage and Retrieval in Multiple Clouds

    0 out of 5

    Towards Privacy-Preserving Storage and Retrieval in Multiple Clouds Abstract? Towards Privacy-Preserving Storage and Retrieval in Multiple Clouds.Cloud computing is growing exponentially, whereby there are now hundreds of cloud service providers (CSPs) of various sizes. While the cloud consumers may enjoy cheaper data storage and computation offered in this multi-cloud environment, they are also in face…

  • Towards the Scheduling of Access Requests In Cloud Storage

    0 out of 5

    Towards the Scheduling of Access Requests In Cloud Storage Abstract?In recent years, cloud computing has emerged as an enabling technology, in which virtual machine migration and dynamic resource allocation is one of the hot issues. During the migration of virtual machine, access requests from end users coming constantly. So how to schedule these requests to…

  • Placeholder

    Towards Trustworthy Resource Scheduling in Clouds

    0 out of 5

    Towards Trustworthy Resource Scheduling in Clouds Abstract? Towards Trustworthy Resource Scheduling in Clouds. Managing the allocation of cloud virtual machines at physical resources is a key requirement for the success of clouds. Current implementations of cloud schedulers do not consider the entire cloud infrastructure neither do they consider the overall user and infrastructure properties. This…

  • Placeholder

    Tracking Human Under Occlusion Based on Adaptive Multiple Kernels With Projected Gradients

    0 out of 5

    Tracking Human Under Occlusion Based on Adaptive Multiple Kernels With Projected Gradients Abstract?Tracking Human Under Occlusion Based on Adaptive Multiple Kernels With Projected Gradients. Kernel based trackers have been proven to be a promising approach for video object tracking. The use of a single kernel often suffers from occlusion since the available visual information is…

  • Placeholder

    TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments

    0 out of 5

    TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments Abstract? TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments. Large-scale data centers leverage virtualization technology to achieve excellent resource utilization, scalability, and high availability. Ideally, the performance of an application running inside a virtual machine (VM) shall be independent of co-located applications and VMs that share the physical machine….

  • Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks

    0 out of 5

    Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks Abstract?Software Defined Networking is a new networking paradigm that separates the network control plane from the packet forwarding plane and provides applications with an abstracted centralized view of the distributed network state. A logically centralized controller that has a global network view is responsible for all the control decisions…

  • Traffic Sign Recognition for Intelligent Vehicle/Driver Assistance System Using Neural Network on OpenCV

    0 out of 5

    Traffic Sign Recognition for Intelligent Vehicle/Driver Assistance System Using Neural Network on OpenCV Abstract? Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) is used to regulate traffic signs, warn a driver, and command or prohibit certain actions. A fast real-time and robust automatic traffic sign detection and recognition can support and disburden the driver and significantly increase driving safety…

  • Placeholder

    Traffic Signal Detection

    0 out of 5

    Traffic Signal Detection Abstract?Traffic Signal Detection. Due to random arrivals of primary user signals, their timing misalignment issue should be considered for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) systems, such as CR based femtocell networks. To deal with this issue in the literature, two approaches were recommended, including Bayesian and generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT)…

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