A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising Abstract? A Parallel Edge Preserving Algorithm for Salt and Pepper Image Denoising. In this paper a two-phase filter for removing ?salt and pepper? noise is proposed. In the first phase, an adaptive median filter is used to identify the set of the noisy pixels;…
A Personalized Web Search Based on User Profile and User Clicks Abstract? A Personalized Web Search Based on User Profile and User Clicks. Generally web search engines are built to serve all users, independent of the individual needs of any user. Personalization of web search is to carry out retrieval for each user incorporating their…
A Power-Efficient Continuous-Time Incremental Sigma-Delta ADC for Neural Recording Systems Abstract? An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) dedicated to neural recording systems. By using two continuous-time incremental sigma-delta ADCs in a pipeline con?guration, the proposed ADC can achieve high-resolution without sacri?cing the conversion rate. This two-step architecture is also power-ef?cient, as the resolution requirement for the incremental…
A Privacy Leakage Upper Bound Constraint-Based Approach for Cost-Effective Privacy Preserving of Intermediate Data Sets in Cloud Abstract? Cloud computing provides massive computation power and storage capacity which enable users to deploy computation and data-intensive applications without infrastructure investment. Along the processing of such applications, a large volume of intermediate data sets will be generated,…
A Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Services Abstract? A Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Services. The number of mobile users has dramatically risen in recent years. In this paper, an ef?cient authentication scheme for distributed mobile cloud computing services is proposed. The proposed scheme provides security and convenience for…
A Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Services Abstract? A Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Services. In modern societies, the number of mobile users has dramatically risen in recent years. In this paper, an ef?cient authentication scheme for distributed mobile cloud computing services is proposed. The proposed scheme provides security…
A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Large-ScaleContent-Based Information Retrieval Abstract?We propose a privacy protection framework for large-scale content-based information retrieval. It offers two layers of protection. First, robust hash values are used as queries to prevent revealing original content or features. Second, the client can choose to omit certain bits in a hash value to further increase…
A Probabilistic Approach for Color Correction in Image Mosaicking Applications Abstract?Image mosaicking applications require both geometrical and photometrical registrations between the images that compose the mosaic. This paper proposes a probabilistic color correction algorithm for correcting the photometrical disparities. First, the image to be color corrected is segmented into several regions using mean shift. Then,…
A Probabilistic Method for Image Enhancement With Simultaneous Illumination and Re?ectance Estimation Abstract?A Probabilistic Method for Image Enhancement With Simultaneous Illumination and Re?ectance Estimation. A new probabilistic method for image enhancement is presented based on a simultaneous estimation of illumination and re?ectance in the linear domain.We show that the linear domain model can better represent…
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing Abstract? As an effective and ef?cient way to provide computing resources and services to customers on demand, cloud computing has become more and more popular. From cloud service providers? perspective, pro?t is one of the most important considerations, and it is mainly determined…
A Protocol for Evaluating Video Trackers Under Real-World Conditions Abstract?The absence of a commonly adopted performance evaluation framework is hampering advances in the design of effective video trackers. < Final Year Projects > In this paper, we present a single-score evaluation measure and a protocol to objectively compare trackers. The proposed measure evaluates tracking accuracy…
A Proxy-Based Approach to Continuous Location-Based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments Abstract? Caching valid regions of spatial queries at mobile clients is effective in reducing the number of queries submitted by mobile clients and query load on the server. However, mobile clients suffer from longer waiting time for the server to compute valid regions. We…