A Critical-time-point Approach to All-departure-time Lagrangian Shortest Paths Abstract? Given a spatio-temporal network, a source, a destination, and a desired departure time interval, the All-departure time Lagrangian Shortest Paths < Final Year Projects 2016 > ALSP problem determines a set which includes the shortest path for every departure time in the given interval. ALSP is…
A Decentralized Cloud Firewall Framework with Resources Provisioning Cost Optimization Abstract? A Decentralized Cloud Firewall Framework with Resources Provisioning Cost Optimization. Cloud computing is becoming popular as the next infrastructure of computing platform. Despite the promising model and hype surrounding, security has become the major concern that people hesitate to transfer their applications to clouds….
A decision-theoretic rough set approach for dynamic data mining Abstract? Uncertainty and fuzziness generally exist in real-life data. Approximations are employed to describe the uncertain information approximately in rough set theory. Certain and uncertain rules are induced directly from different regions partitioned by approximations. Approximation can further be applied to data mining related task, e.g.,…
A Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms Abstract? A Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms. we consider an image decomposition model that provides a novel framework for image denoising. The model computes the components of the image to be processed in a moving frame that encodes its local geometry directions of gradients and level lines….
A Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms Abstract? A Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms. we consider an image decomposition model that provides a novel framework for image denoising. The model computes the components of the image to be processed in a moving frame that encodes its local geometry < Final Year Projects 2016 >…
A Distributed Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Abstract?A novel distributed multi-channel medium access control < Final Year Projects 2016 > MAC protocol using fast and slow hopping sequences with dual radio interfaces. Speci?cally, one interface follows fast hopping and is primarily for transmission, and the other interface follows slow hopping and is…
A Distributed Three-hop Routing Protocol to Increase the Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks Abstract? Hybrid wireless networks combining the advantages of both mobile ad-hoc networks and infrastructure wireless networks have been receiving increased attention due to their ultra-high performance. An ef?cient data routing protocol is important in such networks for high network capacity and scalability….
A Fast Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data Abstract? A Fast Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data.Feature selection involvesidentifying a subset of the most useful features that produces compatible results as the original entire set of features. A feature selection algorithm may be evaluated from both the efficiency and effectiveness points…
A Framework to Eliminate Backdoors from Response-Computable Authentication Abstract?A Framework to Eliminate Backdoors from Response-Computable AuthenticationResponse-computable authentication (RCA) is a two-party authentication model widely adopted by authentication systems, where an authentication system independently computes the expected user response and authenticates a user if the actual user response matches the expected value. Such authentication systems have…
A Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filter (FDAF) Prediction Error Method (PEM) Framework for Double-Talk-Robust Acoustic Echo Cancellation Abstract?A Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filter (FDAF) Prediction Error Method (PEM) Framework for Double-Talk-Robust Acoustic Echo Cancellation. A new framework to tackle the double-talk (DT) problem in acoustic echo cancellation (AEC). It is based on a frequency-domain adaptive filter (FDAF) implementation of…
A Fuzzy Preference Tree-Based Recommender System for Personalized Business-to-Business E-Services Abstract?A Fuzzy Preference Tree-Based Recommender System for Personalized Business-to-Business E-Services. The Web creates excellent opportunities for businesses to provide personalized online services to their customers. Recommender systems aim to automatically generate personalized suggestions of products/services to customers (businesses or individuals). Although recommender systems have been…
A General Technique for Top-k Geometric Intersection Query Problems Abstract?A General Technique for Top-k Geometric Intersection Query Problems. In a top-k Geometric Intersection Query (top-k GIQ) problem, a set of n weighted, geometric objects in Rd is to be preprocessed into a compact data structure so that for any < Final Year Projects > query…