Soil Classification Using Data Mining Techniques: A Comparative Study Abstract? Soil Classification Using Data Mining Techniques: A Comparative Study. Data driven approaches are gaining popularity in the field of condition monitoring due to their knowledge based fault identification < Final Year Projects > capability for wide range of motor operation. Particularly the method, based on…
Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification Abstract? Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification. a sorted consecutive local binary pattern < Final Year Projects 2016 > for texture classification. Conventional methods encode only patterns whose spatial transitions are not more than two, whereas scLBP encodes patterns regardless of their spatial transition. Conventional…
SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks Abstract? SPA: A Secure and Private Auction Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks. The security and privacy threats on e-commerce have attracted intensive attention recently. The explosive growth of online social networks OSNs < Final Year Projects 2016 > has made them potential…
Spatially Aware Term Selection For Geo Tagging Abstract?Spatially Aware Term Selection For Geo Tagging. The task of assigning geographic coordinates to textual resources plays an increasingly central role in geographic information retrieval. The ability to select those terms from a given collection < Final Year Projects > that are most indicative of geographic location is…
Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection for Video Sequences Based on Random Walk With Restart Abstract? Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection for Video Sequences Based on Random Walk With Restart. A novel saliency detection algorithm for video sequences based on the random walk with restart RWR < Final Year Projects 2016 > is proposed in this paper. We adopt RWR…
Star-Type Architecture with Low Transmission Latency for a 2D Mesh NOC Abstract? Star-Type Architecture with Low Transmission Latency for a 2D Mesh NOC. The 2D mesh network on chip NOC < Final Year Proejcts 2016 > is a popular NOC topology because of network scalability and the use of a simple routing algorithm. However, the…
Statistical Characterizations and Environment Modelling of Impacts of Water Quality. Abstract?Water Maintains link between the five biomes and its make up the part of the biosphere. The Aquatic biome is mainly classified into fresh and marine water. The Aquatic biomes are largely classified into fresh water and marine. Video View Demo [numbers_sections number=”1″ title=”Including =Packages=”…
Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis Abstract?Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis. A novel approach for steganography using a reversible texture synthesis. A texture synthesis process resamples a smaller texture image,which synthesizes a new texture image with a similar local appearance and an arbitrary size. We weave the texture synthesis process into steganography to conceal secret messages….
Stegnography techniques to mitigate using Smar phone Application Abstract?By offering sophisticated services and centralizing a huge volume of personal data, modern smartphones changed the way we socialize, entertain and work. To this aim, they rely upon complex hardware/software frameworks leading to a number of vulnerabilities, < Final Year Projects > attacks and hazards to profile…
STOLEN MOBILE TRACKING Abstract?STOLEN MOBILE A novel paradigm to detect smartphone physical capture attacks is proposed. Using received signal strength indicator and general system problem solving framework, the paradigm recognizes indoors moving pattern of a phone user. Most existing approaches in detection of physical capture attacks focus on protecting the network not the device. This…
Student data mining solution?knowledge management system related to higher education institutions Abstract?Higher education institutions (HEIs) are often curious whether students will be successful or not during their study. Before or during their courses the academic institutions try to estimate the percentage of successful students. But is it possible to predict the success rate of students…
Student Performance Analysis Abstract?Student Performance Analysis. A good Automating Student Performance Analysis system will automate user?s activities, processes and practices, as well as increase their ability to handle a greater capacity of events. This is an efficient Automating Student Performance Analysis system software project that serves the functionality of an event manager. The event manager…