Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Interference Channels With Multipath Diversity Abstract? Designs for multiuser multiple-input and multiple-output with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, where the tDransmit and receive beamformers are obtained iteratively with closed-form steps. In the ?rst case, the transmit < Final Year Proejcts 2016 > Tx beamformers are set and the receive (Rx) beamformers are calculated….
Bidding Strategies for Spot Instances in Cloud Computing Markets Abstract? The response patterns, i.e., some items are rated while others not, are generally ignored. We argue that failing to observe such response patterns can lead to biased parameter estimation and sub-optimal model performance. Although several pieces of work have tried to model users’ response patterns,…
Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare Abstract? Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare. The idea that the purely phenomenological knowledge that we can extract by analyzing large amounts of data can be useful in healthcare seems to contradict the desire of VPH researchers to build detailed mechanistic models for…
Bio-Inspired Glucose Control in Diabetes Based on an Analogue Implementation of a -Cell Model Abstract?This paper presents a bio-inspired method for in-vivo control of blood glucose based on a model of the pancreatic ?-cell. The proposed model is shown to be implementable using low-power analogue integrated circuits in CMOS, realizing a biologically faithful implementation which…
BiSet: Semantic Edge Bundling with Biclusters for Sensemaking Abstract? Identifying coordinated relationships is an important task in data analytics. For example, an intelligence analyst might want to discover three suspicious people who all visited the same four cities. Existing techniques that display individual relationships, such as between lists of entities, require repetitious manual selection and…
Blood Bank Management Information System in India Abstract? Blood Bank Management Information System in India. A blood bank is a bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. To provide web based communication there are numbers of online web based blood…
Blood Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Images by Major Vessel Extraction and Subimage Classi?cation Abstract?A novel three-stage blood vessel segmentation algorithm using fundus photographs. In the ?rst stage, the green plane of a fundus image is preprocessed to extract a binary image after high-pass ?ltering, and another binary image from the morphologically reconstructed enhanced image for…
Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks Abstract? Body Node Coordinator Placement Algorithms for Wireless Body Area Networks. Wireless body area networks < Final Year Projects 2016 > WBANs are intelligent wireless monitoring systems, consisting of wearable, and implantable computing devices on or in the human body. They are used to support…
Book Store Management System Abstract? Book Store Management System. The Library Management System provides real time information about the books available in the Library and the user information. The main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual work. The project is < Final Year Projects 2016 > specifically designed for the use of…
Boosting Response Aware Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Abstract? Boosting Response Aware Model-Based Collaborative Filtering. Recommender systems are promising for providing personalized favorite services. Collaborative filtering < Final Year Projects 2016 > technologies, making prediction of users? preference based on users? previous behaviors, have become one of the most successful techniques to build modern recommender systems. Several…
Brain tumor segmentation based on a hybrid clustering technique Abstract? : Brain tumor segmentation based on a hybrid clustering technique. Image segmentation refers to the process of partitioning an image into mutually exclusive regions. It can be considered as the most essential and crucial process for facilitating the delineation, characterization, and visualization of < Final...
Bridging the vocabulary gap Abstract?Bridging the vocabulary gap. The vocabulary gap between health seekers and providers has hindered the cross-system operability and the inter-user reusability. To bridge this gap, this paper presents a novel scheme to code the medical records by jointly utilizing local mining and global learning approaches, which are tightly linked and mutually…